Chapter 6

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"War, war is coming."
Was all I heard faintly in my sleep before someone nudges me on the face. My eyes slowly opened to see that it was only dawn. I looked for the source that woke me up and saw my dad, I looked at him with a questioned look and his snout pushed my legs, telling me to get up, I did what he told me to do.

I was still tired and dazed for being up so early and sleeping so little, I watched as my father took the things he packed in his mouth and I followed along doing the same thing he did.

"Dad, what are we doing? Why are we up so late?" I mind-linked him.

" We gotta keep moving, there's no time to explain." Was all he told me before he sprinted off with me behind his trail.


We were running for like seemed like hours and it was already morning, my whole body was numb and my paws were sore. While running through the quiet forest all a sudden my dad was tackled down by a dirty blond wolf.

I stopped right in my tracks and tried to race over to my dad's side to defend him but I was blocked by a dark brown wolf near the same size as me . By instinct I gave him a warning growl. At this point I had to fight with what I had, hope. The wolf I can probably say as "rouge" because of his disgusting stench, circled around me as I stood there eyeing his movements.

The wolf pounced at me trying to snap at my face and to my surprised I instantly moved away to avoid any further damage. As the rouge tried to attack again I was distracted by my fathers yelp. Worried I turned to see his leg injured and a dead rouge, I knew he couldn't fight with a bad hind leg.

The rouge took my distracted self as an opening and my whole body was thrown to the side, I felt a couple bones crack and I resist the urge to cry out in pain, I looked from the corner of my eyes to see my dad heading towards me and the rouge, I growled trying to stop my dad and I saw in his eyes that he was worried. I wanted to battle this alone, I felt an urge to protect. Not myself but something, not my father, mother, nor anyone, but something .. I stood up wobbling from the impact of the rouge's tackle and faced the rouge who was snarling and circling me.
Really? What an idiot, he could've been attacking me when I was down for like a couple minutes.

"Dad, stay back, I got this," I assured my father.

There was no reply so I thought he understand and didn't have the strength to reply. I stared at the rouge getting ready to tackle me and I moved into a defensive stance. It was getting dark and the moon was starting to awake, I had a feeling that was telling me to wait for the moons light to shine on me (literally ).

The rouge charged at me but missed when I took a side step, stalling for as long as I could. Moments passed of me dodging the wolfs attacks until his next attack, he read what my movement was going to be and turned mid air and bit into my back. I gave out a loud yelp of pain and fell to the ground as his teeth locked on my flesh.

I struggled and tried to snap at him but he was biting into my back deeper making me whine in pain and collapsing into the ground completely. I was at the verge of fainting when I felt a surge of power go through me, I looked around and saw that the light of the moon had shown, my fur glowed in its soft golden-red. I felt the rouges hold on my back loosen and I took that as a chance to escape from his hold.

It seemed to take the wolf back into reality and he tries to charge at me. The amount of energy and power surging through my body made me feel invincible, I don't know what it was nor what it is, but I took advantage of it to end the fight. Well attempt to, because I was too scared to try to approach the wolf, all I really could do was stall.

'Quickly! Let me take lead?'
Another thought in my head... Don't tell me someone can mind-link me?
'No,no silly! I'm your wolf. You should give me a name by the way, something cute.'
At this point I'm not even sure if I'm crazy or not.
'Ok, so I'm sure you're totally oblivious to what you even are?'
'No shit?' I replied to her bluntly while trying to dodge the rouges attacks. What I've been doing for quite awhile now..
'You're quite a rude one for someone the Goddess choose,' She remarked, 'Now, you'll need me doing this fight, you're just playing a game of tag by now. Just let me take the lead from here, think of yourself in something, ummm, comfortable? Like you're just carefree.'

I thought of being home laying on the couch in my dads office and watching him work while mom served snacks for us. All a sudden I felt as if I was pushed into clouds, everything was so soft and comfortable. I looked around and saw a view of what my wolf would see. I saw the rouge already dead within a second and all she did was stare at him. I sat on the soft surface completely confused as ever..

As if I was yanked away from the soft bundles of clouds I was back in my body.
'Explanations can wait!' She said before I could question her.

I looked around to find my dad but we was no where in sight, I started panicking and tried to sniff him out. My dad had a smell of cinnamon like mom, so I can faintly smell that he was here not too long ago.

'Despre.' I said to my wolf before I was knocked in the head and darkness engulfed me.

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