• skin & bones •

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[reposting this here bc i decided not to do a separate one shot book. i really wanna focus on roof boy and the occasional one shot here. (: please play the song above while reading! <3 this one-shot includes eating disorders and a little bit of sin so please don't read if you aren't comfy with that xx]


    Dalton leaned over the toilet, tears stinging his cheeks, throat burning. He hated this so much, but he hated himself more, and he had to do this or it would only get worse.

    A knock on the door made him jump, and he lifted his head.

    "D? You in here?" He heard the familiar voice of his boyfriend call through the door, and he nodded, before remembering that he couldn't see him.

    "Yeah," he croaked out, mentally cussing himself out for letting himself slip like this. He should have asked MacKenzie when he would be home just incase; he thought it would be the usual schedule today, but evidently not, because he was home an hour early.

    Normally he would be excited about this, because he would be able to spend more time with MacKenzie, but he was in a bad situation now that he didn't want the brunette to witness.

    "Are you okay?" MacKenzie sounded concerned. Dalton stood, flushing the toilet and walking to the sink. He quickly wet his toothbrush, opening the tube of toothpaste and squeezing some onto the bristles.

    "Yeah, just getting ready for bed," he lied, beginning to brush his teeth to get rid of the bitter taste in his mouth, and to avoid having to answer anymore questions.

    "Okay," MacKenzie responded, and he heard some shuffling. "I'll go make us some dinner."

    Dalton's stomach turned at the thought. He refused to believe that he had just made himself be sick for no reason; he could tell Mac that he had already had dinner, and that he was too full.

    He finished brushing his teeth, then went into their room to get changed into his pyjamas. He pulled off his top fast and put on one of MacKenzie's to sleep in, doing the same with his pants, not wanting to look at himself for a second longer than he needed to.

    As he headed downstairs to the kitchen, he could smell mac and cheese being made on the stove. His mouth watered and his stomach made a small noise, but he ignored it, smiling at his boyfriend as he walked in and wrapped his arms around his waist.

    "Hey, lovely," MacKenzie greeted him, turning his head to kiss him softly on the cheek. Dalton sighed, burying his face in his shoulder to hide his blush. "Hi," he mumbled into the crook of his neck, craving affection.

    "How was your day?" MacKenzie asked as he stirred the noodles. Dalton shrugged. "Just the usual, but I didn't have as many classes today, so I got to do a little bit of drawing," he replied.

    Dalton was enrolled in an online career study program; kind of like a college, but more of a further education after high school to get him prepared for work and real college. Real college was way too terrifying of a prospect for him right now, so while MacKenzie went to his classes everyday, Dalton stayed home and did his courses on his computer.

    "What about you?" He questioned. MacKenzie hummed, moving the pot off of the stove and turning the heat off. "I've started studying for exams," he informed him, mixing the noodles once more.

    "How much do you want?" MacKenzie asked, pulling out two bowls and two spoons.

    "Actually, I ate before you got home," Dalton responded as casually as possible. MacKenzie looked at him suspiciously. "There weren't any dishes in the sink, Dalton," he commented, putting everything down and turning to face the blonde.

    Dalton stammered slightly on his words, caught off guard. He knew he had made a mistake, and immediately started tearing up. MacKenzie stared at him.

    "You didn't," MacKenzie said, as if he was trying to pretend he didn't know that Dalton had broke. "I'm sorry," Dalton whispered, covering his face. MacKenzie pulled him into a hug, running a hand through his hair.

    "Don't be sorry," he said softly. "You should have texted me and told me how you were feeling."

    Dalton wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands, apologizing again. MacKenzie pulled away, taking his hand in his. "Come here," he smiled sweetly, leading him back upstairs to their bedroom. He lightly pushed him onto their bed when they walked in, sitting atop the blonde's hips.

    Dalton stared up at MacKenzie with glassy eyes, mouth slightly parted. MacKenzie leaned down to kiss him gently, pure love fuelling his movements.

    "Dalton, you are absolutely perfect," MacKenzie started. "I know that no matter how many times I tell you that, you won't believe me, but it's true."

    Dalton blushed, looking away shyly as MacKenzie scooted back a little bit, lifting his shirt.

    "Your tummy is adorable," MacKenzie said, leaning down and planting a kiss on his stomach. He moved back further.

    "Your hips are beautiful," he continued, softly kissing each side of his waist through his shorts.

    "And your thighs are amazing," he kissed both of his thighs before sitting up, smiling at the flushed blonde.

    "You're silly to be insecure about those things - I think they're absolutely perfect, as is the rest of you," MacKenzie rambled. "You're the sweetest person I've met and you make me so happy," he finished, leaning forwards to kiss Dalton's lips once more.

    Dalton looked up at him adoringly, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

    "Thank you, 'Kenzie," he whispered.

    "I love you, baby," MacKenzie said softly.

    "I love you too."

DalKenzie Oneshots [Dalton Rapattoni x MacKenzie Bourg]Where stories live. Discover now