So this time I've been tagged by my good Internet friend Mitch_Is_Queen, above are the rules so nobody gets confused on what to do. I named this chapter The 1975 Secret cause it's a mix of my favorite band and word.
Ok. Let's get started ^.^
1. Despite the fact that I'm 100% Mexican (and proud), I HATE MARIACHI MUSIC. Like you don't even know, I've argued with my parents over this.
2. When I was 14, I became an Atheist and came out of the closet as Bisexual (I decided I'm pan now).
3. Kellic, Jalex, and Cashby are my main OTP'S♡♡♡♡.
4. I once broke up with someone for many reasons... One of them being he didn't like My Chemical Romance.
5. You know how most people have a type? Yeah mine is really weird and specific. Almost every single person I've liked was Hispanic and their first letter of their name was always J. Or they were skateboarders.
6. I think I have an addiction to Buzzfeed...
7. I love theater, but because of my work schedule I can't be in any plays. However I take Theater Appreciation in school and I'm pretty fantastic.
8. I'm covered in bruises and scrapes cause I'm a clumsy fuck.
9. Sometimes I will pretend that I don't speak English just so I don't have to deal with people.
10. My first band shirt was a Fall Out Boy shirt.
11. I love Tupac and NWA.
12. I know the handshake from Stressed Out.
13. I'm obsessed with Don't Hug Me I'm Scared videos. I have theories on their true meanings, pictures, and everything.
There you go. 13 random facts from your truly!
Now these 15 people that I randomly chose have to do this tag 😊
AllstarMikey Crazy-Girl13 dont_be_afraid_of_me FluteGirl234 GreekMth HellaBrendon hufflepuff_echelon hearmyfallingsoul KellicXxForever ProperFangirl stray_in_the_dark Xxthe_suicide_roomxX justarandomgirlie Blue_Panda_Bears _fxck_-