Chapter Eleven

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Squinting through the bright light, Scully turned around and focused her vision on Mulder. Once she was able to see properly, she quickly hurried over to him. Mulder was standing a few yards away, a scowl on his face as he clenched his fists.

"Mulder-" Scully began, but was immediately cut off.

"I don't get it!" Mulder exclaimed, startling Scully a bit. She stared at him as he stood there, his hands now on his hips and his jaw clenched, looking around wildly as if in search of an answer. "I don't understand!"

"What?" Scully asked. Mulder turned to look at her, his eyes widening a bit. He seemed very frustrated.

"We figured it out! We figured out why he killed himself, why he died, yet we're still stuck in this damn loop! Why can't we get out? What else is there to do?" he was waving his arms around, showing off his frustration.

"Mulder, calm down, we'll figure this out-"

"We've already figured it out, Scully!" he said. Scully clenched her jaw shut. Sure, she was a bit frustrated about why they hadn't left yet as well, but she wasn't taking it out on other people.

"Okay, Mulder, maybe we're just missing something." she suggested. Mulder let out a sigh, screwing his eyes shut and bringing his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Scully noticed that he was breathing heavily again.

They stood there for a few moments, thinking over everything that had happened so far, everything they had learned, and what they could have possibly missed, when Scully had an idea.

"Mulder, what if now that we know everything, we're able to stop him?" Mulder looked at her, narrowing his eyes as he thought. He bit his lip for a second, then let go as he spoke.

"I don't know. I mean, it's possible." continuing to think some more about it, Mulder stared down at his shoes, his hand on his chin. "It actually may help us to break the loop." he said in conclusion, bringing his head back up to look at Scully. As they continue their stare, Scully notices Mulder's face flinch a bit, as if trying to hold something back. He scrunches his nose, trying to be discreet, and gulps. He still seems to be breathing heavy as well. Not wanting to say anything and make him angry again, Scully decides to let it slide, though a small knot of worry begins to form deep in her stomach.

"We should go now and see if we can get to him before he jumps." Scully finally says. Mulder only replies with a nod. They then begin to run to the bleachers, Scully slowing her pace a bit so that she could run with Mulder, who was still running slower than usual. Even at this pace he was still falling behind, breathing heavily and scrunching up his face. Soon though they reach the bleachers and run to the top, but are once again too late. They get there just in time to witness Donnie's body hit the ground with a loud thud. The sight not surprising them, they stare down at the body as blood begins to ooze out, filling up every crack and crevice beneath it. They continue to stand there and stare, waiting for the loop to reset, when eventually, everything goes black.  

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