Chapter One ~ Alive

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~ In the time of the 1940's~

A loud and deep, muffled scream pierced the air, followed by groaning.

Two soldiers marched past the concrete, shielded base. Not disturbed by the screaming. Birds flew from the trees, water poured from the skies into the Forrest grounds. Inside the walls of the base, hydra soldiers marched up and down hallways and more heavy locked doors.

James Barnes, bit down hard on the mouth guard. His pale blue-green eyes were bloodshot as he struggled to see through the blindfold.

Pain rushes through his body, mostly through one arm. An hour ago, he'd just woken up from what he thought was death.


"Steve!" 'Bucky' calls as he held on to the piece of metal. The train was out of control. It speeded down the icy mountain on bare rails.

Steve Rogers, ran to the open train door to find Bucky hanging on with two hands. His feet dangled as his expression pains. It's getting too hard to hold on. His gritted teeth start to clatter together.

The icy wind blew snow over their faces. Steve acted quickly he stepped as close to Bucky as possible. Reaching out they look each other in the eye.

"Hold on Buck!"

Steve's voice echoed into the distance.

The train seemed to speed up.

Bucky let go with one hand and reached for Steve. The ice builded  up over the piece of metal and reached his left hand. He groaned painfully as it touched his skin.

Steve reached a little further and stopped because he was restrained.


Bucky's arm weakened and he slipped.

"Reach out Buck! Come on! You can do it!"

Everything seemed to slow.

Bucky knew he wouldn't make it. He looked his friend in the eyes. Steve's eyes widened and his mouth parted to say something but it was too late.

Bucky fell.

Steve watched his best friend fall into the darkness and snow, screaming.


The train carried on around a corner and into a tunnel.


Bucky lay unconscious in the snow, his left arm gone. And a smash to the head. This was the end for James Barnes.

Two hydra soldiers walked through the snow smacking sticks out of their way and cautiously making a path to their base.

"Contact Hydra base."

One soldier nudged, the other.


The other didn't answer he just pointed to Bucky's body. Bucky stirred once the soldier touched his bloody arm.

"He's, alive.."

One of the soldiers said amazed at the Unknown survivor. The other soldier finished contacting Hydra and looked at Bucky.

"They said, they want to test him. Bring him in."

*End of flashback*

After a while, the screaming stopped. The Pain disappeared. The blindfold was removed.

"James, Barnes."

A voice cooed into the dark room.

Bucky's eyes searched the room. This was definitely not heaven. Was it hell? He moved his head up a little and looked down his own body.

His breath hitched as he looked at his arm. His left arm was completely metal. Some type of metal. No Metal was too weak. It was much stronger.

His chest rose and fell as he stared shocked at his arm. A doctor appeared to his side. "Mr. Barnes."

Surprised and quite terrified he reached out with the robotic arm and grabbed the doctors neck choking him with super speed.

The doctor sputtered and spat out some words whilst pressing a button. "St-stop! Y- you-"

Soldiers burst into the room and aimed their guns at Bucky.

By the time they did so the doctor was dead. Bucky's hand loosened as the body fell to the ground.

He scanned the room.

"Wipe his mind." One soldier stepped out. Probably the leader. He wore a hat and badges.

His hands were behind his back as he stepped closer to Bucky.

"Where am I?"

Bucky demanded in a crackled voice.

The soldier smirked at Bucky's words. "You are in Hydra Base. You are one of us now soldier." His accent caught Bucky's attention straight away. And his expression hardened.

"Don't look so confused soldier, you are not dead! You, Mr. Barnes are special. You are, the winter soldier."

Bucky stared into the leaders eyes. Then spat at his feet.

Bucky's head hit the back rest hard. He earned a punch from the leader. "Carry him to the room." He struggled against the chains as he was carried away.

The words, dangerous words were spoken as his mind was being wiped. Bucky felt all his memories slip away and he couldn't do anything. He was helpless.

Finally, The pain went away as last words were spoken.

"Eins, Freight-car."

Bucky felt his metal arm click a few times and he completely stopped moving. He was let out of the chains and he stood up.

The leader stood in front of him and spoke.


Bucky didn't make eye contact. He simply stared into the darkness.

"Ready to comply."


Alright! First chapter down.
Don't worry next chapter will involve you guys! I promise.
Okay see you in a bit my flowers!
Make sure to let me know what you guys think! Thanks for reading!

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