Chapter Fourteen ~ Burn the book?

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Bucky's Pov:

I lifted the shirt over my head and pulled it slightly trying to get a look at it. I wouldn't mind seeing what this looks like on me..

It fits, at least.

Wait, how'd (Y/N) know my size?

I thought to myself and stopped fiddling with everything and left it walking out to the street.

I took a look around then realised you weren't there..

I started to worry because Hydra were still around and you might have been taken.

"(Y/N)!" I shout and start running.

I started to feel my chest burning and my heart racing. I don't know what I'm going to do if they took her. I tried to not freak myself out but I couldn't help it.

Up and down.

Still no sign.

I jogged past a few more stores across the street until I found an alleyway. I skimmed my eyes down it. But it was too dark for me to fully see.

I walk down it without a single fear, only hoping that you just might be here.

And right I was.

You were shivering on the ground, curled up and nearly conscious.

I rushed down to your side and picked your body up into my lap. Your bleeding was severe.

"What happened? (Y/N)." I whispered softly and brushed back your hair.

Your eyes were open a slit. You could hear, but you couldn't barely focus on anything.

"Listen to me, you're gonna be fine. Okay? Keep your eyes on me. Look at me." Bucky's eyes scanned your face as he put pressure around your wound to slow the bleeding.

I have to get you to Stark Tower right now!

I picked you up carefully, bridle style. But then I realise, the street is filled with the public..

Just then, Iron Man flew down and landed in the alleyway. He was about to speak but saw you and immediately opened his helmet to reveal his face.

Pure shock was the look he gave. Seeing you the way you were.

"What the HELL Happened!?"

Tony walked over.

"She- I don't know- she's too weak. Hurry, you have to take her back!" Bucky knew The fastest way to get you back to safety was with Tony.

Without anther question Tony took you and held you tight. "You. Find your way back to the Tower." His brown serious eyes looked me dead on.


He took off.

I only hoped he was fast enough.


I asked for directions but all I got was weird looks.

I got fed up with walking aimlessly around so i stole a gps and a motorbike.

The engine roared as i took off.

The wind rushed through my hair and into my mouth.

Suddenly I had a sick flashback and nearly crashed. I shook the thought away and tried to stay focused. You. I had to get to you.

As soon as stark tower was in view I slowed down and jumped off it.

I walked quickly to the elevator and entered.

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