Chapter Six ~ Lack Of Trust

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The terrified soldier eventually relaxed his muscles more, he looked so weak. You wanted to help him.

"(Y/N) where are you? We've lost him." Your ear piece crackles in your ear.

You didn't answer, you couldn't. You wouldn't let yourself miss this chance. You stepped closer and pulled out the ear piece dropping it.

Then with your other hand you look at the pin. Bucky's pin.

"Barnes.. This is yours." You raised your hand as you moved closer showing him the pin badge. "You see? It's a sign of who you are." You held it out to him.

"You have to make a choice to trust yourself to make the right decision, or to keep running away. I don't know how hard it is for you right now but I'm here, for you. Steve is here for you. The decision is yours." You stop where you are once again in front of him.

He didn't meet your eyes.

He didn't want you to read the sadness in his eyes. Eyeing down the badge he finally makes his decision.

You stand in front of him in silence for what seemed like forever.

He finally took the pin from your hand and looked at it, then up to you. You smiled warmly, hoping this was a sign of trust. Your eyes meet his metal arm again but you force yourself to look at his eyes.


One side of the shed exploded off.

Iron man walked in and aimed his hand at Bucky. Immediately Bucky started to freak out. You quickly stood in front of Bucky and shook your head. "Tony! Stop!"

Steve ran in behind Tony and quickly realised what was happening.

Bucky's fear and panic got hold of him and he grabbed your arm pushing you into a wall. Immediately after you hit it your head throbbed and you looked around but everything seemed blurry. His eyes were filled with regret and he looked terrified and afraid of what he'd done to you.

"That's it Pal, your gonna regret that."

Tony hit Bucky with his arc reactor power which forced the weak soldier to the ground. The power knocked him out.

Steve ran over to you and helped you up. "You alright?"

"Yes but Bucky, he didn't mean to- he was stressed-"

"I know. I know. It's okay."


Bucky was placed on a stretcher in the back of the car. We had folded down all the seats so he could lay there.

Tony flew back to the tower to get everything ready, while Steve drove and You sat in the back with the unconscious soldier.

You weren't very happy with Tony at the moment. Neither was Steve. At least they retrieved Bucky.

You watched Bucky's strained face.

He looked disturbed even though he wasn't awake. You place a hand over his forehead and check his temperature. He was cold.

You looked around the car for something warm.

A small pink blanket lay on the middle seat, you smirked at that and grabbed it covering Bucky's chest with the blanket.

His face seemed a bit more at ease. And that made you relax more.

"How's he going back there?"

Steve looks in the revision mirror and you smile. "He's fine."

"Good. You did it again."

"I did what..?" You laugh.

"Got him to go with you. To trust you."

"Oh, I hope he trusts me. I don't know. He seemed to calm down the more I talk.."

Steve smiled and focused on driving back as you trailed on. The rest of the way was quiet but satisfying.

Once they parked, Sam walked over. His goggles on, wings out still suited up. "Hi Sam." You hop out of the car and go to greet him. It was a while since he'd left for that trip.

"(Y/N) long time no see! Hey Steve." He lifted the goggles onto his head and slapped Steve on the back.

"Sam, how was it?" Steve raised his eyebrows and put his hands on his hips.

Clearly he had forgotten about Bucky. His other 'best friend.' Who seemed to stir and begin to wake. Noticing his movements you run over to him and pull the blanket off and put a hand on his metal arm. The cold instantly surprised you.

Of course You knew it was metal, it was going to be cold. But you didn't think it would be piercing cold.

He started to thrash. He's having a nightmare you thought.

"Guys, he's waking up, but also having a nightmare at the same time! If that makes sense!"

You try to hold him down but he's too strong and you get thrown backwards into the car window.

Sam and Steve run over and pull you out.

"Careful, he does not look stable." Sam holds your shoulders. "I can handle myself. I've learnt well." You smirk.

"Yeah, but he's dangerous." Sam says leading you upstairs.

Steve calls Tony down and they both take Bucky away. Where are they gonna keep him? You thought. More thoughts of Bucky race in your head. Tony offered you a room in the tower after your apartment had been destroyed.

"Get some rest, (Y/N)" Sam smiles and pats your shoulder. You nod and watch him walk off.

You entered your new room and gazed in awe at it. It was so modern and beautiful! The view was stunning. City lights, the same comforting bright moon and the stars. You walked onto the balcony and grinned at the view.

It's been a long day.

You needed the rest too, so you walk back inside and sit on your bed.

But just as you thought nothing more could go wrong a loud scream came from inside the tower.


Who do you reckon screamed?
Take a guess 🤔😉
Sorry I like cliffhangers.

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