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A/N: How to Train Your Dragon remains the property of Cressida Cowell and Dreamworks. This is set during Dragons: Defenders of Berk, after 'View to a Skrill'.


Word went round the village of Berk like a tornado: someone had tried to kill the Chief. A dragon had fired at him out of the dark, the impact tossing him down the long flight of stairs of the great Hall and knocking all but unconscious. When he came to, all he found was the scorch mark that had missed him by a whisker. Gobber had been outraged and had called the Elders and the Academy but Hiccup had been worried. His father was the only constant in his life and was respected by the whole village. The thought that anyone would try to kill him was unthinkeable. Stoick had pushed his anxious son away, turning back to reassure his people that he was still strong and in control.

"I'm fine!" He announced. "It takes more than a little knock to finish me!" The roar of approval had run through the village and the Elders had stood behind him in a show of solidarity. But Hiccup had remained concerned and called Fishlegs to examine at the burn mark with him. He peered at the burn and frowned. Fishlegs was also puzzled. He gave a nervous little laugh.

"It looks like a Night Fury burn!" he said with a twitch. Hiccup frowned.

"That's not possible!" he said in a thoughtful voice. "Toothless is the only Night Fury and he was with me. We were working at the forge. It must have been another dragon, maybe one the Outcasts' ones..." Fishlegs gave another nervous laugh.

"But it really does look like Toothless's burn!" he repeated loud enough for the bystanders to hear. He gave a hysterical little laugh and hastily added "Maybe there is another one!" But Hiccup shook his head: his dragon would have known if there had been another of his kind around. In fact he would have known if there had been any unknown dragon around-and he had remained calm and relaxed throughout the evening. So he turned away, shaking his head.

"Not helping," he said in a low voice. He examined the scene twice more with Fishlegs but they found nothing extra so boy and dragon walked up the hill. Stoick was still speaking with the senior warriors and the boy felt abandoned. He really wanted his father at home with him, to speak to him and know he was safe. They had suffered a poor relationship for many years and now they were finally growing closer, Hiccup was terrified he would lose his father. Of course, he could never tell Stoick, for the burly Chief would laugh at his fishbone son, clap him on the back so firmly he would fall over and tell him that death was an occupational hazard. He rubbed his face wearily. Death was an occupational hazard for a Dragon Rider too, but Stoick babied him when he was worried about Hiccup and the boy wanted to return the favour. So he sat quietly by the fire with Toothless curled by him until Stoick returned home.

"I don't understand, bud," he murmured, stroking Toothless's head to calm himself. "There was no other Night Fury. And you didn't sense any other dragon-not even a feral one! So who...?" Toothless crooned softly and nuzzled hard against the boy. "I'd say Alvin but I know he's dead...and Dagur would send one of his men to kill Dad rather than a dragon..." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Is there someone else out there who did this? Someone I haven't met? Someone here on Berk? Oh, it's so messed up..."

"That's for sure!" Stoick said, entering with s wan smile, his heavy tread tired.

The boy looked up as he walked in and jumped to his feet, running to his father and grasping his hand tightly.

"Dad-are you alright?" he asked worriedly. His father patted his head then pulled his helmet off and sat heavily in his chair. Hiccup scooted off and brought him a beer before staring into his face. "I was worried," he admitted, his voice ashamed. He knew that his father would not approve of his worry but Hiccup couldn't help it. Stoick gave him a smile.

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