Chapter 1

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"She's hot." Lauren says, looking across the room at a brown-eyed girl.

"Camila?" Dinah asked after following Lauren's gaze.

"Yeah, her. Maybe I should go talk to her." Lauren said, beginning to stand up, only to be pulled back down in her seat.

"You will NOT fuck her. She's one of my good friends and I will not have you corrupt her. She's with Austin anyway." Dinah stated.

"Fuck Austin," Lauren started, rolling her eyes. "And I never said I wanted to fuck her. I just wanna talk to her." She said innocently.

"When have you ever just 'talked' to a girl without eventually getting in her pants?" Dinah's girlfriend, Normani, asked.

"I haven't fucked you guys." Lauren stated.

"That's because we have common sense." Dinah said, rolling her eyes. "Unlike every other girl that has slept with you."

Lauren wasn't necessarily known for the best things. Well, she was known for her above average skills in bed, but that's about it. She's never been in a real relationship and doesn't plan on doing so anytime soon.

She had three really close friends and to say that her friend group was a bit...surprising, would be an understatement.

Dinah Jane Hansen, cheerleader co-captain. She's extremely straightforward and sticks up for her friends whenever they're messed with. Very goofy and lives for pranks.

Normani Kordei, cheerleader, Dinah's girlfriend. A very sassy person, one that you most definitely don't want to mess with. She's very caring and extremely polite...unless you push too many of her buttons, if that happens, avoiding her would be the best decision.

Lastly, Ally Brooke. She's the oldest out of the friend group and is attending her third year of college. She was that one senior that tried to help the freshmen class as much as she could because she knows just how overwhelming highschool could be. The other three in the group were the ones she took an immense liking to and decided to stick with.

It's surprising how Lauren managed to keep friends like that seeing as she generally didn't care for anything and was a complete asshole to the public eye.

"Whatever. I could get with you two if I wanted to but you know I ship Norminah. Wait, threesome?" Lauren said, earning a punch from both girls.

"You know we're not that easy. And I wouldn't want to go anywhere near that thing." Dinah said, motioning to Lauren's crotch.

You don't have to, you guys can fuck and I'll sit somewhere in the room and watch while jerking off. Problem solved." Lauren said with a smile, but the smile was quickly wiped off of her face when she was suddenly pushed out of her chair.

Lauren winced from the pain before glaring intensely at Dinah in hopes of scaring the Polynesian.

"Only works when Mani does it." Dinah said, earning a kiss from her girlfriend.

"Mmm." Normani hummed against her girlfriend's lips.

"Introduce me to Camila." Lauren rolled her eyes. Dinah thought for a second before speaking.

"Alright, but keep your slimy paws off of her or I will beat your ass." Dinah threatened seriously. She stood up and started walking towards Camila. Lauren immediately got up and followed her friend.

"Hey, Mila, I want you to meet my friend, Lauren." She introduced them.

"Aren't you that girl that threw a book at Shawn's head in Spanish class?" Camila asked, recognizing the girl.

"Yup." Lauren smiled proudly.

"That was hilarious." Camila chuckled.

"No it wasn't!" Shawn yelled from behind them. Lauren simply flipped him off before turning back towards the girl. She was going to speak until she was interrupted.

"Hey, baby." Austin said, kissing Camila on the cheek and sitting right beside her. Lauren's smile fell immediately.

"Hey, babe. I thought you were eating with the boys today, what happened?" Camila asked looking at him.

"Yeah, what happened, Austin?" Lauren asked, genuinely curious as to why the boy came over there and interrupted their conversation.

"I just wanted to spend time with my girl." Austin replied. Lauren rolled her eyes knowing that the boy was probably only with Camila for the sex. He was just that type of person.

Truth was, Camila was using the boy in a way also. Being in a relationship with someone else of such high status looked good on Camila.

"Well, Camila, it was nice meeting you. See you around." Lauren simply said before walking away with Dinah following behind.

"Lauren, I thought you would flirt with her." Dinah stated, sitting back down next to Normani.

"Well, I was until her ugly ass boyfriend showed up. I'll get her though." Lauren smirked.

"Ralph, I swear to god, if she falls for you and you break her heart, I'll give you a Poly beat down." Dinah said in all seriousness.

"Chill, she won't fall for me. I'm not even likable." Lauren said. Both of her friends stared at her with unimpressed looks, knowing that damn near every word that just came out of her mouth was a lie.

Lauren awkwardly scratched the back of her head before speaking.

"Maybe she'll fall for me, maybe she won't, but I promise not to break her heart." Lauren said with a goofy smile on her face. None of the girls truly believed that Lauren wouldn't break Camila's heart, but all three knew that if she did, there would undoubtedly be consequences.

Lauren still wanted to get involved with the girl, whether she fell for her or not, so Lauren set one goal for her last year of high school.

Get Camila Cabello.

A/N: I need you guys to work with me here, there's a lot that needs to be done so the editing is going to be a slow process.


Fucked Up Situations (Camren) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now