Chapter 6

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For the last few days of the week, Lauren tried her best to avoid Camila. After what happened that night she realized that she might be catching feelings and she was not about to let that happen. She occupied herself with lots of girls and whenever she wasn't with a girl, she was with Dinah, Normani, and Ally.

After arriving home from a shopping trip with her three best friends, she noticed Camila's car outside of her house. "Fuck." She whispered to herself while hitting the steering wheel of her car. She put in so much effort just to avoid Camila and now the girl was at her house.

After a few minutes, she finally got out of her car and approached her front door. She took her keys out of her pocket and took a few deep breathes before placing the key in the lock and turning it. As soon as she entered the house she heard Camila's voice come from the kitchen, and in an attempt to go unnoticed, she slowly made her way to the stairs. She only managed to make it up about three stairs before she heard her mother's voice behind her.

"Lauren, your friend Camila is here." Clara smiled.

"Why?" Lauren asked.

"Chris asked her out but since he doesn't have a car, she came to pick him up." Clara explained. As soon as those words left her mother's mouth, Lauren grew angry. "Did she really almost kiss me and then go out with my brother? What kind of shit is that? You know what? I don't even care." Lauren thought. She refused to let that get to her.

"Oh," was all Lauren let come out of her mouth before continuing up the stairs, only to be stopped. Again.

"Hey, Laur, can I talk to you?" Camila spoke after coming out of the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah." Lauren said nervously. She hoped that Camila wouldn't bring up the incident that caused Lauren to avoid the younger girl. Lauren continued her journey up the stairs with Camila following close behind. They entered her room and Lauren closed the door.

"What do you want?" Lauren asked.

"Why haven't you been talking to me?" Camila questioned.

"Um I don't know. Why are you going out with Chris?" Lauren asked, anger evident in her voice.

"Because he asked me out...and I kind of wanted to come see you." Camila answered nervously.

"I thought you were with Austin." Lauren said. Camila sat down on Lauren's bed and took a deep breath before speaking.

"I broke up with him." She responded. Lauren suddenly became happier and had to hold back a smile. For some reason, the fact that Camila and Austin weren't together anymore made Lauren happy.

"Why?" Lauren finally asked.

"He cheated on me." Camila put her head in her hands. Lauren's sense of happiness immediately vanished.

"What the fuck? With who?" Lauren yelled.

"Becky." Camila sighed heavily.

"I will kill him and her." Lauren yelled.

"Lo, calm down. It's okay." Camila got up and rubbed Lauren's cheek.

"No, it's not okay. He doesn't deserve you." Lauren hugged her. Camila suddenly began laughing, confusing Lauren to all extents.

"I was using him for popularity, Lauren. Him cheating just fucks up the picture." She said, pulling away from the hug. Before Lauren could say anything, her brother interrupted.

"Hey, Mila, you ready?" Chris asked from the other side of the door.

"Um, yeah. I'll be out in a minute." Camila kissed Lauren on the cheek. "Bye, Lauren." She spoke before leaving. Lauren mentally cursed herself for showing that side of herself to the younger girl. She hated the fact that Camila had the power to bring out a part of her that she's never even seen.

"Can I drive, you know, since I asked you out?" Chris asked Camila.

"Yeah, sure." Camila responded. They exited the house and Chris ran to the passenger side to open the door for his date, and after she got in, he closed the door and  quickly got in on the other side.

"Where are we going?" Camila asked after Chris started to drive.

"I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies and then afterward we could get something to eat." Chris stated.

"Okay." Camila simply said. A part of her wanted it to be Lauren taking her out on a date but she decided to ignore it. She didn't want to have feelings for the green-eyed girl but unfortunately for her, she did.


After the movie they went to the best pizzeria in Miami.

"This is delicious." Camila said taking a bite of her pizza.

"I know! I don't understand how you never came to this place. You fucking love pizza." Chris laughed.

"I wish I would have discovered it earlier." Camila smiled.

"I wish I would've discovered you earlier." Chris smirked, causing Camila to blush.

Chris paid for the food and they drove back to his house.

"Hey, do you want to just chill for a bit?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, if it's cool with your mom." Camila answered.

"I'll ask her." Chris said before getting out of the car and walking towards the house with Camila close behind.

"Hey mom, can Camila stay and chill for a while?" Chris asked his mom after entering the house.

"Yeah, sure." She simply responded.

It was around 10:00 and Chris and Camila were sat on the couch in the living room cuddled up while watching TV.

A tired Lauren came down the stairs and heard the TV so she decided to see who was awake. Her heart dropped when she walked in on Camila and Chris making out.

"What the fuck is this!?" She asked angrily, startling the two people on the couch.

"I-I Lauren I'm..." Camila stuttered.

"Camila, I think you should leave." Lauren said as she ran her hand through her hair.

"Lauren, you can't just make her lea-" Chris was interrupted.

"Chris, shut the fuck up! Camila leave!" Lauren yelled. Lauren didn't mean to snap like that but she couldn't help it. Her heart was beating rapidly and she felt betrayed. The fact that Chris was the one making out with Camila instead of her pissed her off. A lot.

Camila stood up and walked towards the door. She looked back at Lauren before finally leaving. She never planned on making out with Chris, she didn't even like the guy, it just happened. Now Lauren is pissed at her and that's the last thing that she wanted.

Fucked Up Situations (Camren) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now