Chapter 5

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"What happened out there?" The principal asked the four people standing in front of him.

"Lauren was talking about my girlfriend." Austin crossed his arms. The principal laughed, earning confused looks from everyone.

"So y'all fought over a girl? She's not even that pretty." The principal stated.

"What. The. Fuck?" Lauren approached the man and raised her hand to slap him but was stopped by Camila.

"Calm down Lauren," Camila grabbed her arm. Lauren snatched it away and rolled her eyes.

"This guy is clearly fucking blind. You're beautiful." Lauren said as she leaned against a wall. Camila had to hide the smile that tried to make its way upon her face.

"Miss Jauregui, that's a 7 day suspension for fighting and disrespecting me." The principal stated. Lauren scoffed.

"What does he get?" She pointed at Austin.

"Two days."

"Um, excuse me, where's the logic in that? Change it or we're gonna get you fired." Dinah stepped in.

"How do you plan on doing that?" The principal laughed. Camila smirked.

"I don't think you know who I am." Camila started, walking closer to the man. "With how much publicity my parents have been getting, it'd be a shame if some things you've been doing were told to them and then told to the world." The principal's jaw dropped.

Austin, you have five days, Lauren you have two. Now get out of my office." He said quickly. The group quickly left the office and after 3 minutes of convincing Camila, they decided to skip school.


Camila's POV

We all got in the car but right before Austin had a chance to get in, Lauren drove off.

"Lauren!" I yelled before smacking the girl on the back of the head.

"Why is everybody hitting me today?"

"Because you're a dick." I responded.

We went back and forth for a while until Lauren opened her mouth to speak again but was stopped when Dinah spoke.

"If you say anything else I'm gonna open that door and push yo ass out of it." Dinah threatened. Let's just say from that point on, the car ride was silent.

We all decided to hang out in my house because we weren't really in the mood for anything else.

"Camz, I'm gonna have to marry you." Lauren said while looking around. I looked down to hide the light pink color that took over my face.

"I always knew you had a thing for her," Dinah laughed. Lauren frowned, causing me to frown also.

"I don't. I just want her money." She shrugged. My heart shattered at her words. My vision became blurry with tears so I quickly wiped my eyes before anyone noticed.

"Mila, you okay?" Dinah asked with a concerned look on her face.


I took a deep breath before answering.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm fine." Damn, now she knows there's something wrong. She frowned and approached me.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" She said, bumping my shoulder, earning a smile.

"Yeah, I know." I responded. She just nodded her head before running into my kitchen with Lauren behind her yelling 'food!'. I followed them into the room and sat down before pulling out my phone to record them.

"There's juice boxes!" Lauren exclaimed while pulling one out. "Juice!" She said as she sat down in front of me. I have to admit, she looks really adorable. (U see what I did there?)

"Dinah get the fuck out of my food!" I yelled as she began eating her sixth snack. She just looked at me before walking into the living room. I got up to find something to eat but sighed when I realized that Dinah ate a lot.

I grabbed Lauren's arm and dragged her into the living room where Dinah was.

"Dinah, get your fat ass up. We're going grocery shopping." I said before turning off the TV, earning a groan from the Polynesian. She got up and lazily followed Lauren and I out the door.

"Are you gonna let me go or..." Lauren trailed off. It wasn't until she said something that I noticed that I was still holding her hand. I quickly let go and blushed in embarrassment. Dinah and Lauren burst into laughter.

Lauren's POV

When Camila grabbed my hand I felt something I've never felt with anyone and that scared me. Everything that I feel when I'm even around her scares me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a smack on the back of my head.

"Ow, what the fuck?" I yelled while rubbing the back of my head. Dinah glared at me.

"I've been calling your name for like 5 minutes! Get in the car!" She yelled before getting in and slamming the door.

"Bitch," I mumbled before finally getting in the car.


*2 hours later*

After we got back to Camila's house, Dinah and I decided that we wanted to watch a scary movie. Of course Camila protested, so I offered to cuddle with her. Worst mistake of my life.

"Camila, can you stop moving so much?" I groaned, trying to get her to stop rubbing her ass on my crotch. Camila was currently straddling me with her face buried into my neck so she wouldn't have to watch the movie.

"I'm sorry. The sounds are scary." She moaned out in a low voice. What the fuck?

Camila's POV

The sounds were really scary but that wasn't the reason that I was grinding on Lauren. I just wanted to see what would happen. But now that I can feel her hard on poking me I may be getting a little horny.

I pulled my face out of her neck only to find her looking at me. We stared into each others eyes before we slowly started to lean in. Our lips were only inches apart and right before they touched, Dinah screamed.

"You dumbass! Why would you go in there!" She yelled while pointing at the screen.

I quickly got off of Lauren as my cheeks began to heat up. Lauren cleared her throat before standing up.

"I should um, go. We have school tomorrow." She said while rubbing the back of her neck. Dinah looked at Lauren like she was crazy.

"You're suspended." She stated, her voice laced with confusion. Lauren just laughed nervously before quickly running out the front door.

"She's weird as hell." Dinah stated.

"I know."

Fucked Up Situations (Camren) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now