Chapter 7

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Lauren walked into the school angry as hell for two reasons:

Austin cheated on Camila.

And Camila kissed her brother.

She really didn't want to see neither of them but she knew it was inevitable seeing as they had most classes together.

While walking to her locker, she saw Dorito boy and Becky making out and that kind of pushed her over the edge. She pushed Becky away before harshly slamming Austin against the lockers.

"What the hell are you doing?" Austin yelled while trying to get out of her hold. Lauren didn't answer and started throwing punches directly towards Austin's face. The boy managed to push Lauren off of him and tackle her to the floor.

Austin got a few punches in before Lauren finally knocked the boy off of her with a punch to the face.

"You dick! How could you cheat on her? You only dated her to get in her pants and don't try to deny that either because I know exactly what your intentions with her were. You never fucking deserved her." She said before kicking him in the side and rushing out of the school. She was almost at her car when she heard someone she didn't want to talk to screaming her name.

"Lauren please stop!" Camila yelled while running to catch up with the green-eyed girl. Lauren turned around and immediately regretted it when she did. Camila stood there, tear tracks down her cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

"I-I'm so s-sorry," Camila sobbed out, making Lauren's heart ache. She never really knows what to do in these type of situations so she just awkwardly hugged the girl while telling her it was okay. After pulling away, Lauren finally asked the question that has been on her mind since she caught Camila with her brother.

"Why didn't you tell me that you liked my brother? My reaction probably would've been a little better." Lauren asked. Camila huffed. Dinah has been teasing her about Chris since she told her and she's getting tired of people assuming that she likes Chris.

"I don't like him! I like you!" Camila yelled before immediately covering her mouth. She didn't mean to say that.

"Did I hear her correctly? There must be something wrong with me." Lauren thought.

"Um, what?" Lauren asked cautiously. Camila was quiet for a minute before she spoke.

"Fuck it. Lauren, I like you. Not your brother, not Austin, you. I know there's really no point in telling you this because you obviously don't feel the same way, but I might as well get it off my chest." She said. Lauren stood there, speechless. She wasn't expecting that.

"Please, say something." Camila's voice cracked. Instead of responding, Lauren got in her car and quickly drove off, leaving a crying Camila in the parking lot.

Camila fell to her knees and put her head in her hands. There she was, in the middle of the school parking lot crying over a girl she knew she shouldn't have fallen for.

"Camila!" A voice yelled in the distance. When it got closer, she recognized it as Dinah. The Polynesian spotted Camila and quickly engulfed her in a hug.

"What happened?" She asked while rubbing the brown-eyed girl's back soothingly.

"L-Lauren," Camila croaked out. "What the hell did she do?" Dinah asked. Camila explained everything and Dinah grew angry. She knew this would happen.

Dinah pulled away from the hug and walked Camila to her car.

"Where are we going?" Camila asked.



After arriving at Lauren's house, Dinah knocked on the door loudly.

"I'll get it!" They heard Lauren yell from inside the house before the door swung open. The first things that Lauren noticed were Dinah's angered face and Camila's puffy eyes.

"Um, w-what are you doing here," Lauren asked nervously.

"What did I tell you the day that you started talking to Camila?" Dinah asked. Lauren thought for a while before she answered.

"Not to break her heart..." Lauren trailed off. Camila tilted her head in confusion and looked at Dinah for an explanation but the Polynesian just waved her off.

"Exactly," Dinah continued the conversation. "And what did you do?"

"Break her heart..."

"And what did I say I would do if you broke her heart?" Dinah raised an eyebrow. Lauren sighed.

"Give me a Poly beat down. I thought you were joking!"

"Wrong." Dinah simply stated before punching the girl dead in her face, sending her backwards.

"Woah woah woah, stop! Let me explain myself." Lauren said, covering her bloody nose.

"30 seconds. Go." Dinah said.

Why'd you run?" Camila's voice cracked.

"I don't know what to do, Camila. I didn't plan for you to fall for me, and after catching you with Chris I realized that...I didn't plan on falling for you either." Lauren shifted onto her right leg. Camila's eyes widened and before she could speak, Dinah butted in.

"I fucking knew it! Normani owes me 20 bucks. This is great!" Dinah cheered.

"What does this mean for us?" Camila asked Lauren after getting Dinah to be quiet. Lauren shrugged.

"I don't know. This is new for me. I mean, we could date-" Lauren was cut off.

"Yes!" Camila and Dinah yelled in unison.

"I told you that you were gonna ship Camren eventually." Dinah clapped.

A/N: I think we need more drama, don't you agree?

Fucked Up Situations (Camren) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now