10| Just not yet

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Often the thing we fear most is the thing we want most
- Dr. Matt Jones

- CHAPTER 10 -

The morning sunlight seeped into the room, the beams of light hitting the entangled pair.

Rosalina was tucked comfortably into Mateo's warm chest.

Her head resting against him as his arm was wrapped tightly around her small and slender waist protectively.

During the night it seemed that they both had found their way into each others arms, but they both were to still yet to realise.

Mateo's eyes flickered open, his pupils adjusting to the morning light, as he awoke he had realised that on top of him slept his Angel, Rosalina.

Mateo's lips curves into a smile as he pulled her closer, he was enjoying the time he had with her for he knew that when she awoke she would put a large distance between them.

He breathed in her sweet and addicting scent, stroking her head gently as he breathed in and out.

Mateo turned his head to the side, glancing at the clock that lay on the bedside table.

9:36, was what it read.

He let out a sigh as he continued to lazily relax in the bed.

Rosalina became confused when she felt a weight on her waist.

Her eyes fluttered open and she was immediately met with Mateo's devilish smirk.

It was then that she had realised what position she was in.

"I thought I told you to stay on your side," she spoke up, removing herself from his warm and built body.

"Mi amor, if you haven't realised already, you came over to my side, I was simply thinking of your well being and decided not to disturb your precious sleep." He explained causing a faint blush to appear on her cheeks.

"Oh, well I'm sorry," she apologised, hiding her face form his view.

"You look beautiful when you blush mi amor, don't look away," he spoke softly, a bolt of electricity shooting through Rosalina's body as he leaned in towards her ear.

"Um - I - I'm going to the bathroom," she said, ignoring his intense stare.

"Sure," he said as she leapt up and rushed to the wardrobe, grabbing her clothing for the day and hurrying into the bathroom.

Rosalina shut the door, pressing her back against it as it shut.

She let out the breath that was held in her throat, closing her eyes as she controlled her rapid - beating heart.

She stripped from her sports bra and shorts and entered the shower, washing her body and hair with the provided soaps and body washes.

After her shower, she picked up a towel, wrapping it tightly around her.

She cursed under her breath when she had realised that she'd left her undergarments and had only brought her dress into the bathroom.

Rosalina gripped onto the towel, being sure to tighten her hold as soon as she'd unlocked the door.

Mateo lay back in the bed lazily, waiting for Rosalina to exit the bathroom.

Before he could call on her, the door had opened and she was standing before him in her towel.

This had been the second day in a row that he had found her standing before him in nothing but a towel.

By now, Mateo had believed it was by gods grace that she had presented herself to him in that manner.

A Love Worth Billions | Soon to be edited. Where stories live. Discover now