8| Step 1

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Love is the most beautiful thing to have, hardest thing to earn and most painful thing to lose
- Unknown


The clicking of Rosalina's pen sounded throughout the room as she scratched her brain for the solution.

Currently, she was rearranging Mateo's meetings around, to accommodate his newly arranged meeting with a possible deal with another company.

Rosalina stopped her incisive clicking as she came up with the solution.

She picked up the phone and dialled the number.

"Hello, this is Rosalina De La Vega speaking, PA of Mr. Gerardo. I'm calling to inform you that we've had an important meeting come up, therefore we'll have to reschedule the set meeting with Mr Briars," she said into the phone, leaning on her desk as she spoke.

"Ok, well, he has a free time slot for next Wednesday at 3:30pm, will that be okay," The PA on the other line told her.

Rosalina checked the diary, flicking to Wednesday.

"Yes, perfect, thank you very much," she smiled.

"Ok then, bye," the other lady replied, hanging up the phone.

The knocking of the door boomed throughout the room for a couple of seconds, until the person who had knocked, entered.

The door opened revealing Mateo.

He walked in, watching Rosalina as she continued to work after she'd shortly glanced up at him, then resumed her work.

Mateo took a seat in front of her, observing the way her nose was scrunched and her eyes stayed focused on the computer.

"I've just come to tell you that we'll be setting off tonight for our meeting in 2 hours," Mateo spoke up, catching Rosalina's attention instantly.

"Of course," she replied, allowing him to continue as she turned away from the computer.

"You may go home and pack clothing for 3 days," he said, Rosalina nodding as Mateo spoke each time.

"I'll be outside your apartment building for 6:30, so be ready, you may go now," he smiled, as Rosalina checked the time, it was now 5:00 meaning she had an hour and 30 minutes left.

She logged out of the computer, grabbed all of her stuff and got up, walking towards the door.

"Oh, I've had to cancel and reschedule your meeting with Mr Briars, I've rearranged it for next Wednesday," she said stopping and letting Mateo know of the new arrangement.

"Perfect," he said, allowing Rosalina to leave.

He grinned mischievously as the door shut behind her.

This trip would give him time to start his plan on winning her over.

It was the perfect opportunity indeed.

In actual fact the meeting would only take place under the time span of 2 days.

The extra day was solely added as Mateo had reserved and booked that day all for Rosalina.

The were going to Paris for their meeting, which was set at the Harrison's company building.

Mateo got up, leaving Rosalina's office and making his way back to his.

He'd sat back down, facing the direction of Rosalina's office, he'd been looking at her all day.

Yes, it sounded and seemed creepy indeed but he couldn't help it, he watched the way her brown curls covered her face as she leaned forward, the way her nose scrunched up in a thinking manner and the way she bit her lip as she worked, concentration and determination oozing from her.

A Love Worth Billions | Soon to be edited. Where stories live. Discover now