Chapter 24: Verum Amare

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You have all been with me and enjoyed my story for a long time, and I will continue to write it as long as I have ideas. Thank you all, and let's hope one day my story will be the #1 in the Charisk tag!

MINT COOKIES FOR ALL! :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

Edit: x5 lol. :333

Two hearts beated as one after a valiant duel ended in an intimate show of affection.

And good taste.

The couple laid together, with Chara exhausted from the overflow of good feelings, and Frisk drowsy from the warmth Chara gave off as they clinged to them. Chara vowed to get their actual revenge some other time. Frisk was draped almost completely over Chara, using their chest as a pillow. Frisk could smell the buttercups of Chara on their soft sweater, and it was intoxicating. 

Every sleep they had, they would hold each other tightly like a big, squishy, and warm body pillow. They could smell the flowers on each other, and it was always so pleasing and calming. The warmth from being so close to another human that you love was the best. They would occasionally squeeze each other, just for that extra bit of affection, to show they truly cared for the other. The safety they felt within each other's arms gave a feeling of invincibility. 

Frisk awoke snuggled closely to Chara's chest. They dug themselves deeper in and relaxed. They closed their eyes, but they had too much energy to fall asleep again. Instead, Frisk laid extremely comfortably against Chara until their true love awoke. 

Frisk loved being close to Chara, but they had a short attention span, so they took their left arm that was draped over Chara's chest, and moved it up to their face. Frisk cupped Chara's cheek again, running a thumb over the soft cheek, and admired their sleepy face. Chara's hair fell softly against their adorable face, which made them seem even cuter. The gentle touches on Chara's unconscious body seemed to make Chara's left arm, which was wrapped around Frisk, tighten. With enough of a squeeze, Chara blinked awake, to see Frisk staring at them while holding their face. Chara grew a smile and wrapped their other arm around Frisk, hugging them.

"Pretty good nap, huh?" Frisk said, blushing from the hug. Chara just giggled.

"Let's get up now. I'm all hungry and stuff." They said as they sat up.

"But you're so we have to get up?" Frisk groaned.

"You know how much I love sleeping with you, but I want some food for now. Here, I'll even make you something." Chara said, giving Frisk one last hug. 

They returned it with a smile, and then they both got up and headed downstairs. Frisk jumped over the couch and sat cross-legged while they turned on the TV, as they waited for Chara. Chara went into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast. Chara grabbed a pan, and pulled out a pack of bacon, along with four eggs. They prepared it quickly and skillfully. Once they were done, Chara took two plates, and arranged the food in an egg face, with two eggs being the eyes, and a bacon smile. Chara also used the rest of the bacon to form a heart around each of their plates. 

Chara smiled at their creation, and it smiled back. They took the plates out to the living room and sat beside Frisk, handing them their plate. Frisk turned in delight as they grabbed their plate, but gained a frown quickly.

"Chara, why is there only half a bacon heart here?" They asked with a raised eyebrow and skeptical look. Chara looked around nervously.

"Oh uh...that's complete me...?" They said with an obviously fake smile.

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