Chapter 162: Luminescent Illumination

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Author's Note: Cutie-sama, here to provide you with fluffy stuff. :3

Yeah, I don't update this very often. But, if that's a problem for you, remember that there's literally 161 chapters to enjoy otherwise. :3

Hopefully this pleases some of you. However many still ready this story. :3


I'm too lazy to write this part.

Under the afternoon sun, two playful and happy girls remained locked in embrace under the shade of a gently blowing tree. Placed in their backyard, the tree provided ample shade for the two that spent hours alone in the sunlight. Saving them both from a painful sunburn, the swaying of the tree slowed as the sun began to set, as if its job for the day was coming to an end.

Noticing the gently-shifting levels of light, Chara looked up from the kisses and gazed around, having her attention stolen back by Frisk, who laid flat on her back against the Earth and reached up to Chara's face. Gently holding her by the cheeks, her soft expression caused Chara's blush to intensify slightly, due to Chara seeing the adorable expression that Chara held. Chara stared down at Frisk who held Chara's cheeks gently, and was pulled back down to Frisk's lips, connecting them softly and continuing to fulfill the lust for attention Frisk was hungry for.

Eventually building the will to break the kisses away, Chara pushed herself up while panting heavier than normal, catching her breath after the heated session the two shared. A trail of saliva followed Chara's mouth that she wiped, and it made Frisk smirk in a smug fashion.

"I-I think we should head inside now, Frisk. It's kinda late. Sun is setting." She noted, gazing out to the right side of the backyard area, where the slightly-orange sun painted a pink aura around the edges of the clouds that followed the sun behind the mountains.

Frisk playfully put on a frustrated look, one to indicate her distain for interruption of their extremely long session.

"I didn't say we were done!" She exclaimed in a purposely child-like voice, earning a small smile from her lover.

Chara placed her hand on top of Frisk's head and patted her softly.

"Yes yes, I know you and your love of smooches. But, I don't wanna be out here too long and worry our parents. Plus, I'm hungry. Food's probably almost ready." Chara bargained. The mention of food caused Frisk's eyes to light up in excitement, and she sat up in a determined mood.

"Food? Food." She said simply, scooting out from under Chara and standing up, pulling Chara up with her and dashing to the house. When inside, Chara locked the sliding door and let Frisk run off to the table. Chara followed and met her there soon after.

At the table, Frisk sat in her chair with swinging legs while Toriel and Asgore worked away in the kitchen. Sizzling and the smell of deliciously-cooked meat filled the house and excited Chara as she took a seat excitedly beside Frisk, who grabbed and held Chara's hand while they waited. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Toriel and Asgore worked to time their food creations right and make sure everything is cooked just as long as it needs to be, without a second more than there needs to be.

Fresh from the oven, Toriel unveils a perfectly moist and succulent turkey. It's skin was a glorious brown tan, cooked just long enough to remain hot and well-cooked, while being moist enough to tear the meat away perfectly. Asgore prepared a selection of potatoes, cheese-covered broccoli, and cauliflower. The tag-team of royal chefs delivered the amazing dishes to the table, where Frisk and Chara looked excitedly at the meal. The reactions made Toriel and Asgore feel proud. Proud enough to high-five each other before serving 4 plates worth of food, enough for each.

Throughout the dinner, the family discussed menial, and usual things. Day-to-day activities, plans, and such. Frisk had another date with the public as ambassador in the coming days which excited her. And this time, Chara would be coming with her to prevent an accident like before. The family consumed all they could eat in the matter of an hour, and it was Toriel's job to bag up the leftovers, something the family was excited to have more of once they were hungry. After an appreciation hug from both Chara and Frisk to the parents, the two girls headed upstairs to enjoy some time together before bed.

As soon as Chara walked in through their bedroom door, she stretched her arms up then threw herself onto the bed, rolling until she was in the center of the queen-sized bed. She spread herself out like a starfish, and let out an exhale of ease.

Frisk closed the door behind them and turned the light at the top of their ceiling off. She crawled over to Chara and let herself down on top of Chara's chest softly, resting directly on the bumps of Chara's body. 

Smiling from Frisk's proximity, Chara placed her arms over Frisk's back and the back of her head, cradling her gently.

"I had a fun time today. Marrying you, no matter if by a real, official person or not, makes me feel happy." Frisk said, nuzzling and rubbing her face on the spot her face rested on. Chara blushed slightly.

"I'm glad. You were so cute when you said 'I do'. I swear, you're something magical when it comes to cuteness. Like one of those anime girls." Chara complimented. Frisk smiled in her spot.

"Do I make you think of any in particular?" She asked, turning her head up curiously to see who she had in mind. Chara smirked slightly and giggled, causing Frisk's head to bob gently as Chara's chest wiggled up and down.

"Illyasviel von Einzbern, if I had to guess. You're simply too into other girls for me to think of anyone else." Chara teased. Frisk had a condensed smile, and a bright blush. Frisk then had flashbacks to Kuro and Miyu, which made her giggle.

"Fair enough." She responded, nuzzling her spot again and marking it as her territory for the night.

Chara cuddled her soft, warm girl that she had claimed as her own for all eternity, holding her close and making a silent vow to protect her from all acts of bully or general negativity, as her smile is a precious one that must be protected at all costs, even if it means Chara had to put on real pants. A sacrifice she was willing to make for her girl.

The two hugged together gently as the sun was quickly replaced by the moon, floating high above the world and illuminating it very gently, painting the edges of the clouds with a luminescent white glow. A calming sight to those who witnessed the dead of night brought to life by the glowing entity in the sky.

The night was long and full of love, but would end to bring even more in the coming morning.

Sleep well.


Enjoy yer short chapter.

Enjoy yer short chapter

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