How Long Will You Play This Game?

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Leia was leaning forward to look at the map and ignoring the structured chaos around her as people set up an efficient way to handle all the intelligence coming in. Cerea had been the location of one of their previous bases some months ago, but they had left it after only a week or so. It was a virtually inhabitable planet and would make an excellent location for a final confrontation that wouldn't affect many civilians. Well, not directly. However, seeing that their current base was on Chalcedon, it was a little too close to comfort. If their fleet failed, the First Order was sure to find and destroy them.

"Rey, how are you feeling?" Leia asked when she saw the girl peer tentatively into the room.

Clearly disturbed by the level of noise and confusion, Rey looked relieved to be noticed and closed the distance between them quickly. "What's happening?"

"The First Order has mustered its whole force and is heading for Cerea. They are in hyperspace right now, but should be just out of orbit in about twenty minutes."

"Why Cerea?" Rey asked, an odd look on her face.

Leia shrugged. "I suppose because their intelligence is old. But it's a good place to meet them, in any case."

"Where's Finn?"

"Right now? Organizing the troops on the planet. He should be able to make a good defensive from what's left of our base there," she explained, motioning on the map.

Rey watched the small blinking lights move for a moment. "Poe is leading the X-wings?" she guessed.

"Yes. They're getting into position to face the fleet." She paused, searching Rey's face and was surprised to find it virtually expressionless. "What happened to you, dear?"

"I couldn't bring Luke home today. I'm sorry," Rey answered after a pause, looking up and meet Leia's gaze with a flicker of remorse in her eyes.

"I understand," Leia reassured her soothingly. "He's... always understood the cost."

Nodding slowly, Rey looked back at the map as though trying to memorize it. "What will happen if we win?" she whispered.

"Then the galaxy will have peace again."

Rey frowned while Leia dealt with one of her advisors briefly before she could continue their conversation. "I mean, what could make it different from the last war? Because I'm sure you expected to have peace after that, too."

Surprised by the comparison, Leia paused to consider. Rey sounded angry, which was unusual, and made Leia want to phrase her answer well. "If the First Order is destroyed completely, our people will set up a new government without any opposition."

"But you can't really be hoping for that level of lives lost?" Rey interrupted, and Leia smiled slightly.

"Of course not. We are almost evenly matched now. In all likelihood, the victory will be slight for either side. And those who remain will surrender because it is better than destruction. If we are the victors, we will break up their oppressive regime and reeducate their conscripted soldiers. They will make a good addition to our own army if their loyalty can be guaranteed. We will have to chase down the leaders and ... well, potentially kill them so they cannot incite further rebellion against us."

Rey digested this while watching the map. "What if... What if they surrendered earlier? What if the soldiers were willing to go against their leaders and join with us to stop the fighting?"

Leia put a hand on her shoulder. "Like Finn? That would bring about a mostly peaceful end to all of this, but it's wishful thinking. They train their soldiers from birth and Finn's change of heart was the will of the Force."

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