Are You Still There?

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Luke Skywalker had been gone for a few hours and they were no closer to determining how to rescue him. Rey was actively pacing while Finn and General Organa were deliberating. As he was mostly there for support, Poe kept offering her reassuring looks. They were helpful but not as helpful as someone making a decision would be. Rey was unused to this kind of analysis and was railing against the inaction. She understood the weight of what they might do, but it was Luke! He was taken and they had to go get him.

Poe motioned to her and she walked over to where he was sitting. "Why don't you go have a snack or something to settle your nerves? I'll run and get you as soon as we've made some kind of progress," he promised.

Considering for a moment, she looked over at Finn and Leia, brow furrowing. More ships had been recovered so the likelihood of the one they'd been following being the correct one was increasing. But their troops were spread thin and they were attempting to assemble a force skilled enough to effectively rescue the Last Jedi. People were committed elsewhere and would have to regroup.

"That's a good idea," she agreed after a pause. Then she faced Poe again. "I'm sure his fate is in good hands." He frowned slightly in confusion, but she strode out of the room before he could comment. Her fists were clenched at her sides as she hurried through the corridors, waiting until she was well out of earshot before breaking into a run.

Finally, she was in the hangar. Ships were returning – many from the influence of Lyek Ren – and it was a busy place. Things would be missed easily. Walking at a less noticeable pace, she moved amongst the crowd until she found a ship that had a hyperdrive. These were few and far between, and many were occupied. But she found one at last and climbed aboard, pausing to check that she still had her lightstaff. She would probably need it this time.

Programming in the appropriate sequence, she left the planet and was soon speeding through hyperspace, on her way to an uncharted planet.

Finn looked up and was surprised to find Rey gone. Turning to Poe with a puzzled expression, he opened his mouth to speak before Poe spoke first.

"She's just taking a break," he explained reassuringly.

"Good for her," Leia put in, not looking up. "What do you think about Takel, Finn?"

Returning his attention to the reports before them, Finn considered.

This was stupid. She should have at least told someone she was going – well, it was likely that Poe had guessed. Perhaps he would cover for her, for a while. But it would be good for them to know, in case she needed to be rescued. If she could get Luke back, then... Well, then things could go back to normal. Whatever normal meant these days. The war would continue, which was unpleasant, but she hated the idea of Luke being involved in all of this. And being captured by the First Order wasn't a pleasant prospect.

By the time she'd reached the unnamed planet in the Unknown Regions near her former home, she was almost rethinking her decision to come here. But then her scans showed life forms on the surface, and she found the Resistance ship. After a deep breath and double-checking that her lightstaff was still in working order, it was time to go. She had defeated Lyek Ren once before – easily, in fact. Was it a trick to get them to take him to the base? Or had she actually been able to overpower him? Luke had been surprised, so she hoped it was the latter.

It was too late now to change her mind, so she landed some distance away from the other ship and set off walking. The terrain was rocky and the clouds overhead were dense and dark. She paused to look up at them, supposing it might rain. It was a relatively unfamiliar phenomenon and a small part of her was delighted by the prospect. But she focused on what she was here to do and kept walking.

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