Chapter Four.

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Peyton falls asleep at about 3:00, which I'm sure is way too late for a sufficient nap. She has a stuffed animal duck tucked tightly to her side. Her breathing is even, her mouth curves into an almost smile and I wish I could see what she's seeing, wish I could be so positive and happy all the time.

I walk out of Peyton's room and find Maddy still pouting on the couch in the living room. The T.V is off and she is sitting with her legs crossed on the coffee table, arms crossed in front of her, and angry scowl on her face.

"What is your problem?" I ask with a laugh and joining her on the couch.

"Is P sleeping?" She asks ignoring my question?

"Yeah," I say unsure.

"I'm just going to run out. I'll be right back, I promise."

"No, Maddy. Where are you going?"

"I just have to see Connor," she says.

"No." The last thing Maddy needs to see is her sucky on-again-off-again deadbeat boyfriend.

"Please. Remember I'm suspended because of you?" She says.

"Do not pull that card, Mads. I didn't make you punch anyone! Connor sucks, you know that and I know that. You're grounded. You said you're grounded," I argue.

"I'll be home before anyone knows I'm gone."

"I don't even know what I'm doing," I say nodding towards Peyton's bedroom.

"Just change her and feed her when she gets up. I might be home before she even wakes up."

Maddy gets up and walks out the door without turning back once. She starts her car and leaves. I know she honestly couldn't care less about leaving me here with her niece or ditching her brother or disobeying her parents.

Speaking of parents, where are they and why didn't they come to pick Maddy up from school the other day?

I figure now is as good as anytime to snoop around Maddy's house, since I've never been here before and I doubt I'll be here again.

It's a tiny house with two bedrooms, a basement, kitchen, and living area. Peyton's room has dirty white walls, a crib on one side and a twin sized bed on the other, I'm assuming Finn and her share. Then the other bedroom must be their parents?

I hesitantly walk towards the other door and make sure to listen closely for any sounds of the front door opening, incase Maddy changed her mind.

I open the door and see a queen sized bed with a blue comforter that is half on the floor, a TV, and a bunch of books stacked all around. When I walk further in I see a couple of pictures of Finn, what I assume are his friends, and Peyton, and a ton of baseball trophies,  this is definitely not their parent's room.

I quickly walk back towards the living room and then see the basement door closed tightly so Peyton doesn't fall. I decide to go down.

When I walk down and turn on the light it is so obviously Maddy's room that I don't even need to snoop. The walls are covered with art work, pictures, and quotes, the room is a mess with clothing and homework.

Then I hear the door open. My heart starts beating as if I was caught robbing a bank and not like I was just hanging out in my best friend's bedroom.

"Maddy?" I hear, it's Finn. Of course it's Finn. He is the only other person that lives here.

"Hi. It's just me," I say walking up the stairs and closing the door. I smile awkwardly and shrug.

"Where's Maddy and Peyton?" He asks and looks towards Peyton's door.

My Sister's Best Friend [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now