Chapter Thirteen.

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Westlyn doesn't come by the house after our fight and even Maddy notices, "where's your girlfriend?" she asks in a sing-song voice that she always used to use when she would try to taunt me when we were kids. The voice would always end up with one or both of us sent to our rooms, possibly without dinner.

"She was never my girlfriend," I say obviously annoyed.

"Okay," Maddy says with an eye roll, "but she's been here for the last few weeks and now she's not. So what did Laney do?"

I don't answer her.

"Better question, what did you allow Laney to do?" Maddy smirks.

"Maddy, not now," I say.

"Hey, talk to me," Maddy says her tone changing.

"Tell Westlyn the whole truth."

"No," Maddy says her eyes narrowed.

"Maddy, you're the reason she left. Not Laney and not what Laney made me do."

"She doesn't need to know everything, Finn. She isn't even your girlfriend."

"I like her, Maddy." I'm trying to reason with her. Maddy doesn't like to be told what to do so I have to try to convince her to do this without her feeling forced.

"I don't want you liking her, Finn. I'm fine with you guys doing whatever you're doing but I don't want West as basically my stepmom," Maddy laughs and walks away from me.

Maddy and I have a good relationship. We try to get along because if we don't we'd both be left with basically no one. But there are times like this when I don't know what to do or how to react to her. She is difficult at best and selfish most of the time. And I can't fault her for it.

"Then I'm going to tell her," I follow her into the kitchen. She spins around, leans against the counter, her smile vanishes and is replaced by another smirk.

"Do it. See how long she lasts once she realizes you've been lying. Plus we are going out tonight."


"West and I and some guys. A double date." And that explains the look.

"Then why the hell did you ask if West and I were still seeing each other?" I ask.

"I don't know." She walks away and slams her bedroom door.

I punch the wall.


Maddy agrees to watch Peyton the next morning while I meet Laney to try to figure out details of our new arrangement. We decide to meet at a coffeeshop not too far from my house incase Maddy needs me or decides she doesn't want to babysit anymore.

Laney is already sitting at a table when I get there. She waves at me and it feels like we are back in high school, hanging out for the first time, and still trying to figure each other out. The nerves in my stomach are not from excitement this time around though and her smile doesn't make me feel anything like it used to.

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