Chapter Six.

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I'm standing with my fake friends on the fake grass of the football field on my very last day of high school, ever.

The girls around me wipe artificial tears from their eyes while dabbing the running mascara that leave black trails behind. 

"Can you believe this is it?" Nikki says to me gripping my hand. Her long fingernails dig into my palm. I just smile in response, which is more than enough for her.

Maybe I should feel sad that this chapter of my life is closing but I can't seem to figure out how I can possibly feel upset to leave this all behind.

Why would I miss the smell of industrial cleaner, sweaty locker rooms, nasty teachers, and friends that are only looking for the next best piece of gossip? When the whole world is out there waiting?

Maddy doesn't show up for the senior countdown. I knew she wouldn't. I continuously look for her black combat boots among the crowd of brightly colored flip-flop and boat shoes.

"Who are you looking for? Maddy?" Nikki asks.

"Yeah. She isn't supposed to come though."

"She is so weird. West, I don't know why you waste your time."

It's so hard to bite back the words that threaten to tumble out of my mouth. I want to scream how she's real when we are all hiding behind this mask that makes us feel way more superior than we will ever be.

I want to yell about how she has helped me more than they ever have and will, even if Maddy and I don't talk about serious things.

But I'm a coward. I have always been afraid.

Afraid of hurting myself because of what these girls could do to me. They have no hold over me anymore.

These girls that have smirks instead of smiles. I have tried so hard to fit in with them and realized not that long ago that I will never and could never be like them.

After today I will most likely never see them again unless Maddy drags me to a party or the beach but I still can't form the words that taste so bitter on my tongue.

I am not a good friend. I have never thought of myself as a good friend before and today proves it once again. I can not stick up for my best friend as the other girls join in while making fun of Maddy. I am so weak and unsure of who I am and who I want to be.

I walk away.

Maddy can punch someone in the face for me but I can't even tell a few nasty blonde haired girls to shut their mouths.


I'm home way before I should be and Mom is sitting in the old recliner that she refuses to part with. It's floral patterned, has one hole in the center and one on the corner it used to be white but is now a dingy gray. Her eyes are closed and her brown curls are pulled away from her face.

"What are you doing home?" She asks without opening her eyes. She does this a lot. Knows who is who without ever seeing us. She says she can feel our presence.

"I didn't want to stay for senior countdown." I fall onto the sofa next to her and curl my legs underneath me. The air conditioner is on extremely high, leaving goosebumps all over my arms and legs.

My Sister's Best Friend [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now