Chapter 10: Abe

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It took Abe almost six hours to make his way back to London. After taking care of the three conspirators back in Paris, he commandeered Mr. Goldsmith's Porsche 918 Spyder and then stowed away on a Chunnel train. It was about noon when he arrived on the bustling London street. The majestic eye of Big Ben gazed down upon him. The iconic symbol of UK pride had since lost all meaning to Abe. Everything had changed. Even the bustle of the city had lost its luster. He always enjoyed walking around London, it made him feel at home, but now it just seems like a giant orphanage to him. Strange and distant. At least the weather was nice, the warm sun heated up his pale skin as he approached a generic looking three story brick building.

Built sometime in the 19th century, this building was situated in a tight row of similar structures along the main street. On the outside, it looked just like all the others in the Westminster area. But looks can be deceiving. Inside these walls lay the heart of the entire B.U.N.s operation. Operating outside all government control, this Network is responsible for all covert activity throughout Europe. There are similar organization spread out around the world, but the British Underground Networks is considered to be one of the elite programs. They have had their hands in assassinations, government manipulation, unsanctioned genetics and many other black ops.

The Headquarters is considered to be impregnable. The exterior is plain brick but just beyond that is a layer of triple reinforced steel followed by a concoction of bomb proof material. Surveillance runs twenty-four-seven with an array of cameras on the inside and outside, followed by a security team that patrols the floors ... all ex-military. Outside the building they have undercover security, aerial drones disguised as birds and even satellite imagery surveillance. Considering this facility houses some of the world's most deadly secrets as well as trillions of dollars in technology and research, this emphasis on security is far from overkill.

On any other day Abe would be able to walk right in and flash his ID. He would then be greeted by multiple handshakes and high fives. But he had a good feeling that they would no longer be rolling out the red carpet for him. Hell, they probably wouldn't even roll out the puke stained carpet. This was going to be very tricky. He may be able to use his adaptable cells to trick the biometric and retina readers, but there was no way he could dupe the body scan. A simple disguise would not do. These devices scan your entire internal structure and check them against a worldwide medical database looking for a match. His DNA alone would instantly betray him.

He could just walk right in and overpower the security team, but this would be unnecessary. For, Abe knew something that every layman that walked by this building daily did not know. He knew that the entire interior was completely vacant except for the ten member security team. It was a facade. The true structure lies some ten feet below the basement. This remarkable subterranean complex encompasses some 100 square miles and holds all facets of the B.U.Ns operation; documentation, technology, experimentations ... just to name a few. All that Abe needed to do was get into the basement. And he had a good idea how.

Navigating himself through the crowded street, Abe made his way to the Westminster Tube Station. He could enter into the city sewer system via the London Underground and then bust his way into the HQ basement. The station was not as crowded as he expected, this made things more difficult because now he was more exposed. He waited for a train to arrive and for everyone to pile in. As it pulled out of the station, Abe hopped onto the tracks and entered the tube. The deeper he got into the tunnel the more darkness surrounded him. Abe pushed firmly on both of his temples and activated his night vision retinas. Scanning the walls using the night vision, he came upon a rusted metal door. The entrance to the sewer system, he pulled it back with a loud creak and entered the dreary tunnel.

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