Chapter 8

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*Chapter 8*

*Harper’s POV*

“Yea Parker.”

“No I have to go home.”

“My mom called me yesterday and said my uncle has been given like three weeks to live.”

“I love you too Parker. I really have to go.”

“I will be back in about 3 weeks don’t worry.”

“Ok I am getting on the plane now. Yes I will call you every day.”

“Parker I really have to go. The flight attendant is coming. Bye”  I hung up on him.

Maybe I should be staying back there on the island considering my family shipped me off here. Why would they want me back? Would they even except me? I have changed so much in four months. My hair is longer skin tanned and I am a little taller.

Well I know uncle mark would take me lovingly. After all he was always the one that had shown love towards me and what would stop him now. I mean I was not happy that he was dying but he wouldn’t push me away would he?

After that night I wasn’t sure of anything. I mean who would tell their 15 year old daughter that she was adopted and then ship her off to an uncharted island then to call her 4 months later saying that her uncle, more like father, only had 3 weeks to live. Really who in their right mind would do that to a girl at such a young age.

Oh well I guess I’ll find out when I get back. Home? More like prison.

*Alaine’s POV*

“ She just left without saying good-bye…. Who on earth does that?”

“Parker you just need to calm down.” I rubbed circles on his back, just like I would have done to Will back home. Will’s girlfriend had died in a car crash after a year of dating. He was crushed. My little brother sat there and cried for weeks upon weeks not wanting to do anything. Heck out whole family was devastated. I rubbed his back for what seemed like years.

“I- I- She- what am I going to do for three freaken weeks!? Tell me Alaine what am I going to do that girl is my life.” His sadness turning to rage.

“Parker you need to call down you have been crying for almost an hour.” He sniffled and then whipped the tear from his face.

“Man I am such a wimp.” He grumbled.

“Yes, yes you are.” Wade joined in.

“Harper would love to know that you were crying over her.” I said trying to lighten the mood.

“come on lets go get some grub.”

“what on this earth is grub?” That’s right. Parker wasn’t from the U.S. or the south for that matter.

“You know food?” Wade questioned.

“Yea lets.” We walked down to the kitchen. To find- never mind you don’t want to know.

“Oh my gosh.” Wade gasped at the picture unfolding before us.

Jenny was over top of Zabrina with a chopping knife. Little drops of blood litter the floor. Zabrina was muttering something in Spanish and Jenny had a face that would give a serial killer the chills. She looked up at us.

“Well well well. What do we have here?” An evil witch’s voice echoed across the marble room.

“Jenny what the heck are you doing.” Wade said as she stood up.

“What does it look like I am doing?”

Zabrina took the chance and ran through the back doors. Parked took after her.

“Well to me it looks like you were trying to kill someone.” I guessed.

“Shut you little mouth brat.”

“that would imply that you should shut yours since you are the brat here.” I protested.

“I told you to shut-it.”

“You really think that I would listen to you.” I gaped.

“Well I am the one with the knife.”

Gosh she is such a- I am not going to even waste my brain power on her.

“Jenny what happened to you? Before Alaine came you were sweet and nice. I liked that Jenny now you’re a total-“

“Don’t even bother.” I cut him off.

“You want to know what happened to me?”

“Yes but after you put the knife away.” Wade stated calmly. She set it down.

“You really want to know what happened? Well. She is what happened. She had to come here and ruin everything I had been working for in one stinking day. She took the boy, the lead, and now she took the queen’s trust. She took everything. I have nothing now. Even my ‘so-called friends left me for her perfect little act.”

“Perfect? You think I am freaking perfect? Ha! I wish upon millions of stars every night that my life would be even remotely perfect. Tell me this jenny? Did your dad die when you were 14? Did your mother leave you to fend for yourself after he died? Did you own sister blame the whole thing on you and tell the cops you killed him? Did you spend three weeks in jail because you mother was drunk and couldn’t drive to come pick you up? You have know freaking idea what on earth I have been through. That wasn’t even half. So don’t go telling me my life I freaking perfect. Cause honey if that is perfect what does that make your life. I would gladly keep going if you wanted me to.” Wade was staring Jenny was frozen and Mrs. Peach was almost crying.

“Wow.” Was all any of them could say.

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