Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

AN- Not feeling so good so this chapter might not make much since. Sorry. Cold and feverish stuff. Hate it all with a passion. I am thinking about taking this out of the Watty Awards just cause at this rate I wont be able to finish it but I guess we will wait. So I guess I will go now and let you get on with your reading. Adios mi amigos!

I still was lost with the whole this that had happened today. Maybe I should go take a nap. My head is pounding.

 “Aaron would you just shut-up for like three seconds?” I screamed through my pillow.

“No. I won’t this is all your fault!” He yelled back. That’s it time for my headphones. Man how I love them so much. No noise just music. I closed my eyes and enjoyed Taylor Swift singing a song that fit my life perfectly of well almost.

Smack. Smack. Thwap! I was tossed into the air like a rag doll arms flailing and everything. Looking up I see Aaron smiling happily.

“Are you going to listen to me now?” He asks.

“I am not in the mood at the moment try calling back later.”

“Alaine I am going to give you one more chance at telling me what this is for or Wade is going to get it.” He pulled out my necklace.

“Aaron nit is nothing.  My grandmother gave It to me before she died. Happy?” I lied.

“There is no way your grandmother gave this to you. It says Pearl Island right on it.”

“Go cry to your girlfriend for all I care just leave me alone Aaron.”

“Why do you hate me so much Alaine.” He sat up swinging his legs on my desk.

“Well for one you annoy the crap out of me. Two you threw me into a pool and three.... You are Jenny’s boyfriend. If you haven’t noticed. SHE HATES ME!” I boomed.

He got down and walked away. I wonder what happened to him?

Wade walked in smiling at me with chocolate in his hands. Gosh he was adorable.

“So I found something yeaterday.”

“Really what is it?”

“This.” He handed me a picture.

There were four kids sitting in a line, two girls and two boys. One of the girls looked like Mrs. peach and the other one looked like the Queen. Could this be? The queen grew up here?

“This looks like-“

“The Queen and Mrs. Peach.” He finished. “There is more though. I found a diary of someone. I am guessing one of the girls that used to live here. It is really creepy though. You want to read it?”

“Yes I want to read it.”

“Well to bad cause I left it there. Plus tomorrow is Monday so we can’t go during school.”

“Or can we? We could just ask to go to the of the nurse and then go to our place.”

“You are evil sometimes you know that right.”

“I have always been a little evil at heart.” I smirked.

“Yea say we leave at around 11:45 and meet in my room before going in, does that work for you?”

“11:45 is the beginning of PE. I love PE.”

“You are the only girl I have ever meet that loved PE. But just for the day we need to go during that time or we might be locked out for the next week.”

He had a point the only reason I hadn’t gone in the past was because of PE. Man I was an activity junkie. All the sports we got to do and I was getting a grade for having fun doing the things I loved what a concept. I loved playing all types of sports every time of day.

 But I guess for this one time I should suck it up and find out what was going on with this place. For the queen and all.

“Fine I guess it won’t hurt this one time.”

“Good meet you in my room at 11:45. I got to go. See you at dinner Alaine.”

“Yea bye.” He left after giving me a hug. I pulled out my phone and called an old friend.



“Yea. Hey girl!”

“OH MY GOSH WHERE ARE YOU I AHVENT SEEN YOU IN LIKE A MONTH!” I jerked the phone away from my ear.

“My parents sent me to a military school.” I lied.

“Your lying to me I can tell. Really what happened to you?”

“I am not lying. My parents really did send me away but it is classified info. I cant tell you so don’t even ask.”

“Man. Everyone has missed you. Even Liz. She has been so depressed lately. You have to come and visit sometime soon. I have so much to tell you.”

“Well I can’t talk for a long time. I have duties and all to attend to.”

“No way you have a boyfriend now?”

“Not really, There is this guy though.”

“Really what’s his name, What does he look like?”

“ For one he looks like Sterling Knight.”

“Dang he must me so hot!”

“He is sweet and funny. He brings me gifts and all sorts of other things. ”

“So why aren’t you dating him?”

“Cause I am not ready for a boyfriend.”

“Really Alaine are you still not over Baron?”

“No not really.”

“Gosh girl. Get over him.  He is gone. You don’t need him. He is  not good enough for you. Plus you have got what's-his-face. Hey you never told me his name.”

“Oh well I got to go Jamie. The principle is calling. Well if that is what you would call her. Bye I will call you as soon as I can. Miss you so much bye.”

I hung up before she could protest.

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