Chapter 11

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"Parker you can't just leave." I stated watching Parker pack all of his things into the huge suitcase.

"I have to. Harper is still not back. You don't know what her family does to her when she's there. I'm going to go get her and take her to my home town."

"Parker. Look." I grabbed his arm. "If you leave you never can come back."

"Look. Alaine I get that, but I care to much for Harper to let her be there by her self. I'm willing to give up everything here to be with her."

"She's really lucky to have you." I grabbed him in a hug and squeezed him.

"Alaine, you are killing me." He gasped.

"Oh sorry." I let go. "Well I hope you find her."

I walked out of his room and down the fancy hall to my room.

My room had been painted it was now dark chocolate and cream with misty blue circles. It wasn't as big as say Jenny and Aaron's room but hey I stilled loved it. Thunder cracked outside shaking the walls. The sound of rain is so relaxing. I laid down on my full sized bed and grabbed my green fuzzy blanket. Drifting off to the sound of the rain, I heard the door open and shut then the bed dip down beside me. Two hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to them. I took a deep breath. It was Wade. I could tell by the way he smelled. Fresh and clean kinda like what it smells like after a rain storm.

"Alaine?" He whispered. "Are you awake?"

"Now I am." I mumbled into the pillow.

"Oh. Sorry. I'll let you sleep." He sounded shy.

"Naw it's fine. I was just listening to the rain." I rolled over still in his arms. "What's up?"

"Well Aaron found something last night with me."

"This couldn't wait?"

"Not really. He found a picture of you."

I sat  up faster than the lighting out side. Wade's arms jerked from around my waist. "He found a picture of me?"

"Yeah back when you were like three or something. Here." He pulled a picture from his pocket.

He was right this is a picture of me. Short hair, pink summer dress, and my sister wasn't in the picture. That's weird we always had pictures taken together. There was a lady holding me. She looked more like me than anyone in my family. Come to think of it no one in my family looked anything like me. They all had the same brown hair and green eyes. I didn't . weird.

"The back has your name on it. Alaine is that your mom?"

"Not that I know of. I have never seen her in my life."

"The back of the picture says she is. It says 'My dear Alaine you and your mother are so beautiful. I know you won't remember me. I'm dying. Take care of your mother for me. I love you both. Love your daddy'."

My mother? Love daddy? What the heck? Was this why my sister hated me. Why my mother never treated me like her daughter? My mind raced with questions. "You think this is my mom?"

He handed me a stack of papers the edges were burnt like someone tried to set them on fire.

"That is a stack of letter addressed to you." He said softly.

*My dear Alaine,

Darling I know that you don't remember me but I am writing these hoping that it will make more since.

First off... My name is Jaxson Clarkson, I'm your father. Your mother is a wonderful woman. I love her with all my heart.

It's been three months since they told me I was going to die. Cancer is a cruel and unusual way to die. Your mother is trying to be string for you sweetheart. Though She looks sicker than me. She never sleeps anymore. The stress of being in charge on this island with out me has taken it's toll.

I think that you should know. I'm scared for your safety right now. There has been a creepy man walking around the castle watching you play with the little boy here. I think his name is Wade. If anything happens to your mother after I'm gone we have instructed a family here to take you the USA. I hope that doesn't happen but at the looks of it it will soon.

You and Wade are so cute. You are much faster than him and prettier. Right now I'm watching you two play in the garden with your mother. Your laugh is so sweet and innocent. You don't have a clue what's going on. I hope it stays that way. This island it so messed up I think there is no hope for it. I want to just take us all away. Get away from this awful place and live a normal life. But leaving this place feels so weird.

Well I got to go. Good bye Love.*

Tears rollled down my eyes. My parents weren't really them. My real parents were gone. I never even remembered them. Then the realization hit me. He had said something about Wade. Did Wade and I grow up together until my parents died; until I was shipped off to The States. The entire life I had lived was a lie. I had lost both of my dads. None of my family really existed. It was like I didn't exist. My life... never...really...existed. Did I even exist.

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