Part 4

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Gracie's POV

We have two more days in this wonderful beach, but I am looking forward to going home. So far, the three weeks spent here was swimming, talking, relaxing, we even went snorkeling once. That didn't end up very well. Lay found a crab on a rock and screamed his lungs out and clung to my leg. I had to swim back to shore with a scared, shaky Yixing stuck to my leg. He wouldn't let me make crab that night and that was something I was planning to make. We also found a this great dinner restaurant just in the town. It was great, until Lay saw the crabs...

Either way, it was the best weeks I have ever had and I don't regret anything at all. Well, that whole Yixing and Wendy thing messed the perfect days streak, but hey, I'm a girl. What can I say? I'm a sucker for drama.

Anyways, putting that aside, Lay and I are starting to pack up everything up. We want to be all ready for getting back home.

"Will you let me drive home?" I ask, while pouting.

"No," Lay pulls me into a hug. "I would never."

"And why not?"

"Because I'm the husband, I'm the responsible one."

I gap at him. "You're joking right? The responsible one? Lay, I can give you good reasons why you should let me drive this time."

"Why do you wanna drive so badly?"

"Well, you drove a lot already, coming here. You planned this all out, you're probably tired. The whole drama thing happened. I owe you, angel!" I yell. I OWE YOU!"

"I don't know, we'll see." He pulls me down onto the sand and kisses my cheek.

"I love sunny days....I wish it would be like this every day." I say while looking at the shining sky.

"Yes, it's beautiful, but not as beautiful as the one I see everyday already." Lay says, making me blush.

"You're the sweetest. I love you." I lean in and kiss his lips.

"Hey, we got two days left in our honeymoon..." Lay whispers.

I nod slowly. "Yes, I'm aware of that."

His hand caresses my cheek. "When we get back, Tao and Julie are going to be with us almost every single day."


"This is the only time we have completely alone with no interruptions at all..." He continues.

I'm still confused. "What are you saying, Lay? You don't want to hang out with Tao and Julie?"

"No, no, it's just," He puts his thumbs on my lips. "We have time and we don't have any plans anytime soon. We also have everything we need, so..."

I tilt by head. "I'm still confused."

"Let's...........go snorkeling again!" Lay suggests while balling up his fists.

I snort. "That's funny, angel."

"No, really. I don't want to go back hone and be afraid of crabs! I need to face my fear! I also want to be your fearless angel!" He says, showing off his irresistible dimple.

"But it's cute how you're scared of crabs." I say, poking his dimple.

"Please, please, please. It'll be fun and it could be your gift to me!"

"Marrying you wasn't good enough?" I say.

He shakes his head vigorously. "No, it's not that..."

I kiss his cheek. "I know what you're trying to say. Sure, we could."

"Yes, thank you! Thank you!" His lips connect with mine in seconds.

Julie's POV

"OH.MY GOSH!" I scream and fall down onto the couch dramatically. "MY HEART!"

"What is it now? You're interrupting my drama." Tao says with sass.

I scoff at him. "I am missing my best friend so much! And you don't even care about yours!"

"They're coming back in about two days, just calm down. Plus, I do miss Yixing, I'm a man, so I don't get all dramatic." The guy in the TV surprises the girl with a slow kiss and Tao jumps up and gasps. "OH MY, SWEET PRICY GUCCI BAGS! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!"

"Dramatic little man." I mumble and cross my arms.

"Hey now, Gracie will come back soon. Don't worry, I'll be here to make you forget about it." Tao finally says.

"Bout time." I mumble again.

Tao kisses me and I kiss back.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" I ask Tao.

Tao shakes his head.

"We should throw a WELCOME BACK party for Gracie and Yixing." I say while jumping up.


"Yeah! We'll have so much fun together. We can invite their parents, Yixing's friends, some of Gracie's friends."

"Gracie has friends?"

I smack him. "Don't be so mean. She can slap, let me tell you. Anyways, yeah, I'm not her only friend. She has some friends from school. I think I can get ahold of them."

"Really? Can you? In 2 days?"

"Yes, yes! The party can be on Sunday at 7 pm!" I yell while writing it down on a notepad. "They come home Saturday morning, they can rest for a day, then BOOM surprise party!"

Tao sits back and nods. "Sounds like fun."

"Listen to me!" I throw my notepad at him.

"I AM listening!" He argues back.

"No you're not! How come you never listen to me!?"

"You never listen to me!"






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