Chapter 4

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Ever wonder what it feels like to be tested and poked at as if you were a lab experiment?Ethan did.Half the classroom was staring at him as if trying to guess what color his underware was (blue if you were wondering)He could barely keep his attention on the science lesson Miss.Kimble was teaching,Even though the students didn't change classroom's there was a teacher for each subject: Mr.Daven taught homeroom and History Miss.Kimble science and social studies and Mr.Jones taught the rest.

To tell the truth Ethan was impresed.He was expecting a room with pale psichos waiting to grab your face and lick it.But they all seemes....normal.Normal in every way exept for the fact that they all had the aura of important people.As if they were in control of everything,as if they wanted to be here and they werent here because they were fucking crazy.RIIIIIIIIIIIIING The bell rang.That ment a 10 minute break.Ethan didn't understand why they had 15 minute breaks every 2 periods plus recess and lunch.Problably to make sure the students didn't get to stressed and go on a crazy person rampage.They where smart people.Ethan looked around,everyone in the class had broken off into they'r little groups of friends.Some people were even doing they'r homework at the last minute.Shit.He was problably going to be a loner or something.How he wished he could have killed his grade at the start of the year,Or better yet,hadn't killed anyone."hello"a warm voice.Ethan looked up to see a girl with blond hair (almost white) brown eyes that looked honest and kind,fragile features and was short.This girl didn't have the aura of superiority.To put it simple she was like a baby bird.What the heck was she doing here?

"I'm Nichole,nice to meet you"she smiled."I'm Eric.guess it's nice to meet you too."Eric greeted nice to meet you too???what the heck!more like awesome to meet you!"It must be hard for you to transfer a little late in the year but don't worry,a lot of the new students here transfer late."she said with a little giggle of encouregment ",thanks amanda,thats really nice of you."at least he didn't feel so bad anymore"no problem!If you ever need help with anything please come to me for advice."Nichole waved a little goodbye as she headed twords her desk.Good to know there were some nice people here.It was also wierd.

"Class please take out your workbooks and turn them to page 45"Miss.Kimbell greeted.

Ethan opened his workbook and flipped the pages,as he did a piece of paper cought his eye.He took it from the crack of the book looked at it Trust no one. He looked around the room but everyone was  looking at their workbooks as if nothing had happened.



I wonder if Nichole will be his girlfriend...heeheee "makes kissy noises" Eric and Nichole sitting in a tree! K I S S I N G! first comes the kiss! second comes the marrige! third comes the psicho killing kid stabing lots of people with its baby carrige! ^.^


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