Chapter 8

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I dreamed something. I dreamed of children dying. They were running and screaming, crying and hiding, praying and begging for mercy. But all of them died. One big, bloody death.

I woke up drenched in sweat from head to toe. The the boy was still towering over me. A smirk in his face. "You son of a Bitch!!!" I roared as I tried to stand up. I didn't care if he beat the shit out of me again. NO ONE punched me uncouncious and smirked at ME.

"Come on!" I ordered as I scrambled to my feet. The boy shrugged, indifferent to my lame threat. "Sure, why not?" he said checking his watch. I lunged towards him, he sidesteped and I fell on the ground. "not much of a fighter are you?" he told me as he cleaned some dirt off his nails. That son of a bitch. I staggered up and threw a punch at him, he caught it with a hand "are you sure you're in the right mental institution?"He mocked me. I grunted with pain as he twisted my fist around "well Johnny boy, this has been an extremely fun time but I think we should stop playing princess and get straight to it" he said as he put more force into my hand "LET GO!!!!! LET GO!!!!LEEEEET GOOOO!!!!" I screamed as I fell to my knees the boy smiled with satisfaction and twisted it more than I though possible "Didn't anyone teach you manners? you're supposed to say please, I wont break your hand if you listen to what im about to tell you" he wasn't letting go. I looked at him in the eye and nodded. I would play along with this bastard, for now at least. The force on my hand stoped and I grunted in pain as my upper body fell to the ground. "what... do you want?" I asked him in between gasps of air, he rolled his eyes and crouched so his face was right in front of mine " I do not want anything in particular, I came here to help you. To tell you that your little girlfriend is should I put this......crazy. Everyone here is crazy. You, your classmates, your teacher, me, EVERYONE and it would be for the best that you don't let your guard down just because a cute little girl smiled and invited you for tea and crumpets when you were crying to your teddy bear because nobody liked you. In short, get away from the sugar princes you've been hanging with." he stared at me with eyes as cold and empty as ice telling me this as if I were a dimwit who did not comprehend this was a looney house. I was about to tell him I knew that and that I had no reason to trust his words since he had attacked me out of nowhere when a high ring came from the school. The boy looked towards it and sighed as he got up "well, see you later,don't be late" he took a few steps forward when he stopped and looked back at me "oh, I almost forgot, my names Alex Corninstoe" He winked and kept walking. I got up and cleaned some grass from my pants. Nothing like getting beat up by a douchebag who thinks he's the king of the world during lunch.


"HUNNY IM HOME!" ITS BEEN SO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!! What do you think about him beign beat up? did you like it?do you hope he kills Alex? maybe a dude romance thingy? HMMMMMMM???? TELL ME YOUR THOUGHS OH WISE ONE!!!!! please comment! KISSES MY DARLINGS!!!! ^3^ ^3^ ^3^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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