[Part 2] Maybe

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Sebastian POV:

My brother rushed to his room to play his PS4 more likely. I took her hand and lead her upstairs. 

No it wouldn't be like that, I'm not even ready no matter how much I claim I am.

"Umm where are we going?" she asked kinda walking slower. I just kept leading her to my house's extra bedroom.

"I wanna show you something."  I said.

I let go of her hand and opened the window to lead to my balcony. It was a view of the trees and nature that sat at the backyard of my house.

"Wow. It's so beautiful out here! I didn't take you as the sensitive, nature-loving sweet type." she said looking back at me.

"Oh you think I'm sweet." I said to her moving closer. She laughed and put her hand on the pane that was supporting our arms. It was my chance. I reached for her hand and sat mine on top. She didn't jerk away. She just looked at me and walked closer. 

I kissed her. Like a real kiss. Short but real. We backed up from each other and just kinda laughed and looked away.

"For reals like, I like you and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend because you're gorgeous and I want to make up to you for my shitty actions. Just because." I asked blushing hard.

"Well, I do kind of like you too," she started. She kissed me again. "And maybe I do want to be your girlfriend. But for now we can just take it slow." she said walking out. I'm guessing she was going home. My heart was pumping loud while I told her to let herself out.

I sat on my bed and was just wanting her to be here.

 Is it wrong to find love at first sight? Because if I'm wrong, I never wanna be right with her.



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