[Part 2] Get Real!

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Naya POV:

I walk over to the table with the lunch I brought. I notice Sebastian waiting for me to come over. He was smiling and waved for me to come over. I got to the table and he scooted over to give me space.

I sat down at the quiet table, all eyes on me.

"Umm hey?" I said shyly smiling. Some girl with gorgeous strawberry hair stuck out her hand and introduced herself.

"Hi! My name's Stacie and I'm the captain of the varsity softball team." her stiff smile made it look like she had botox a little bit; she spoke sweetly as all the other team members started clapping. I forced a smile.

Sebastian put his arm around my neck and I grinned.

"So, how long you guys been dating and shit?" a boy said stuffing his face with a sloppy joe for lunch. He was muscular as if he was on steroids. "Im Kevon by the way." he said. I heard the emphasis on the 'on' instead of 'in'.

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Naya Brown. And we've kinda been vibing for two days." I said softly.

The table went 'aww' and I saw Sebastian blushing a bit. "It's about time Bash got him a keeper." 

We ate for a little longer before getting up to dip out early. "We're gonna go walk around together guys, catch ya'll later." Sebastian said

"So, I can tell you don't like the softball players, but if you make the team you might turn like one of them." he said laughing.

I scoffed and laughed too.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you could tell by my facial expression." I laughed. We walked to the football field and sat in the empty bleachers talking. Sebastian kissed me on the cheek, staring out into the open for a few minutes silently.

"What was that for?" I said smiling.

"You're a great girl." The bell rang to show lunch was over. "Let's get to class."

"You want me to walk with you?" I asked. Our classes were on two different sides of the school. 

I was so happy today and it was weird that I didn't know what to do.

Just kiss him and put him back on the side?



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