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Naya POV:

I absolutely hate Mondays! I got to school reminiscing about yesterday with Sebastian.  He was like a sweet prince last night. I'm nervous to be around Carlos now. After that stunt he pulled? No thank you. 

I got to school. My first period switched to P.E. so I ran to my locker to get my clothes. Suprisingly no one was in this hallway.

"Eheem." I heard a snooty throat clearing.

"May I help you?" I asked looking from my locker.

"Don't try out for softball and we keep our mouths closed after tryouts are done." It was Emerald, cheerleader. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. We were cool days ago so this is really random to me.

"Excuse me." I said adding emphasis on the 'excuse'.

"Listen to our warning for your own good." she said before her and two other girls walked away. What. The. Fuck.

Did Sebastian freaking tell the world about us last night!? There's no way anyone should've known our business. Plus we did this just last night. 


I went to meet Sebastian where we go everyday for lunch. I tapped him on his shoulder since he was facing the other way. He had open arms. I shifted away, taking his dumbass by surprise.

"Babe what's up?" he said taking out his ear phone frowning.

"Did you tell people about us last night? I'm being called a slut even though I've never slept with anyone else! They said not tp even join the team now Sebastian." I said, raising my voice.

His head turned to make sure no one was listening.

"Babe okay so, I told Jordan-" he said. My mouth dropped.

Why would it be any concern to his friend about our relationship?! Jordan got a girl pregnant but no one is saying shit about that!

"Baby liste-" he started.

Tears were burning to let out in my eyes  I turned to walk off campus to my car. I shared a special part of me with him, told him I loved him; and he does this.

Stupid fucking boy.



I sat down and texted Jordan to meet me by the bleachers. He arrived a few minutes later.

"Ayee bro what it is!" he said casually. He could tell I was pissed. I pinched my nose and my fist turned into a ball. He held his arms up, "Woah bro cool it." he said laughing.

"You just probably made me fucking lose my girlfriend! Do you know how to keep your mouth closed!" I screamed. He backed up a bit. "I thought I could trust you man! we're supposed to be best friends and you pull shit like that? She's not a slut or any shit like that! You better stop this shit from going around or I'm done with you. And tell those fucking softball players she's joining and trying out today, no matter what. " I said in his face.

"Alright man i got you." he said starting to turn and walk further away. I screwed up.

I started walking towards the car lot because I knew she'd be there. I felt a hand touch my back, jerked away and turned to see who it was. It was Naya. 

She had fear and concern in her watery eyes. I kissed her hand and walked us to my car. We were sitting in there as it started to drizzle.

"Sebastian I can't do this," she started.

She couldn't do what? This relationship.

We've been together so far for almost 6 months and started saying 'I love you'.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I ju-just can't tryout, it's too hard now." she said sobbing.

Jesus, I though she wanted to move on from our relationship. Thank God.

"Babe, you're nowhere what they picture you to be. You are my love and you're tough and better than all these barbies. You're special, you are a one of a kind woman." I said.

She hugged me from the passenger side. "I love you Sebastian. It wasn't cool to let that out knowing it was special to me. But, come to tryouts with me later?" she asked.

"I love you too; I wouldn't miss it for anything." I said kissing her forehead.



I sat in the stands waiting for my girl! She walked on the field and the cheerleaders dropped their mouths. My mouth even dropped. She was so toned; that was a turn on for me. Her body in her old uniform shaped her body beautifully.

"Ayee suavè, Your girl is hot!" my boy Sanchez said. I hit his arm.

"Sorry but, that's all me." I said wiping my shoulders. 

She waved to the side stands. I put a hand up and waved back. She huddled with the other girls trying out around the softball coach. They did some runs and some practice tosses before they did a mock game. It lasted for about an hour and a half before some girls were pulled to the side and other were told they'd be in contact with.

Naya jumped for joy. She came and ran over to the stands. We decided to go get some Pizza. Until Carlos walked over.

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