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Five weeks later, Ashton scowled at his computer screen for several minutes and when it didn’t respond, his scowl got even deeper. Computers could be so stupid sometimes. Being a computer engineer himself, he knew how dumb they could be. Couldn’t do anything properly until precisely programmed.

He scowled again at his secretary who was peeping in his office. Humans could be so stupid sometimes. Being a human himself, he could easily sense how foolish some people were. Couldn’t do anything properly until precisely tuned.

Again he sighed. Or maybe it was one of those days when he was simply in a bad mood. Happened too many times lately however. Maybe it was because of the gloomy weather. Or maybe of the routine work. He was simply bored. Had been feeling that way for far too long a time now. Maybe he should just take a break, go away for a long holiday. Problem was that he had done exactly that some months back and it had not helped at all!

Tabbing the top of his pen on and off and tried to concentrate on his work but his mind drew a blank. Annoyed, he saved the program he had been working before quickly exiting it.

“What’s bugging you, Cooper?” he chided himself looking pensively out of the window.

Somehow, he knew the reason of his foul mood but was afraid to admit the truth, even to himself. It had begun ever since he had heard that his best friend and partner Jake Crighton was getting married. They had been best friends since first day at high school. And he had been forcibly married to their childhood friend Rachel Lloyd by his father Devin. But he and Jake had been inseparable ever since. When he had fallen in love with his wife, they had drifted apart. It was not intentional but Jake had other priorities in life while he was still standing at the same place he had ten years ago.

It was not that he was jealous – more probably envious and it had got him thinking and he hated that. Thinking. Was a stupid unnecessary process. Was it time for him to settle down? He couldn’t avoid thinking of such stuff. Usually it was the job of his mother to worry about such kinda of bull.

What the hell was the matter with him? He was still pretty young in his early twenties and could still have everything he wanted. Maybe that was the problem finally; that he could have everything he wanted. And that made life become so boring. He was no cynic but merely someone who had lived life and witnessed its reality.

Or perhaps he was reacting too hastily. He still had lot of time to choose his bride-if he ever wanted to. Problem was there was nobody in his life to which he wanted to get married to. There was no woman on this planet that wouldn’t be ready to jump on his bed at his request. Or maybe there was one. The ‘Miss Touch me not’. And she would never do it. Not even out of pity. Would prefer murder him to even think about it.

Involuntarily, he smiled to himself. There was absolutely no problem in that matter for he hated her with same, if not more vehemence. Had begun since childhood and he could not remember feeling anything other than hatred for her.

Ohh!! Now that was a very big lie. Even he could not deny the flagrant desire he felt for her every time he went near her. It was one of the major reasons he hated her so.

“Get a grip Cooper. There’s no way she’ll sleep with you not even if you were the last man on Earth,” he said to himself mimicking her tone. And succeeded so wonderfully that he had to let out a hoot.

“My, my. Are we in a good mood or what?” queried Jake peeping at him, looking sinfully happy.

“Welcome back, pal,” he greeted brightly. “You could not have had a better timing. So how was your paternity expedition?”

“It was simply Heavens! I think that married life suits me.”

“I can see that,” he sneered.

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