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Selena was not thinking about the kiss. Not at all. It was already Sunday; Ashton was supposed to pick her up for the birthday party and she was a useless pack of nerves. Last week had been busy and she had done her best to avoid Ashton at work, not that it had been difficult. It would seem that the effort was mutual and he too wanted to avoid any interaction with her.

After his attitude last Monday, she had given up any hope that Ashton would ever change or become human. Initially, when she had joined his company, she had found out that Ashton was away due to some problems in delivering the work and she had been surprised to see that it was in complete chaos. Something she had not been expecting because she had always been under the impression that Ashton was a successful businessman. Greener grass outside and all.

So, when she had discovered that the company needed her, she had felt important and since she found herself in her element knowing what to do, she had done her level best to rectify the anomalies she had detected in the working environment. Not quite expecting Ashton to give her full credit for what she had done as it had all been teamwork after all, she had still believed that he would at least thank her for the effort.

And she had been rewarded alright. Not only had he been furious with her for conducting the Carlyle meeting alone, he had acted like an asshole with an arrogant bossy attitude which had pissed her off completely. While she understood it was difficult for the great Ash-hole Cooper to acknowledge her work, he could have at least motivated his team for their hard work.

And the scene at the restaurant had been the worst part of the whole nightmare. It had been pure male ego which had made him react in this way. To him, she was his fiancée even if it was only a pretense, his male chauvinist ego had to mark his territory. More like a tomcat, she thought as rage filled her again every time she remembered the scene. Damien was such a nice fellow and they had started off with a platonic friendship.

Needless to say that after the fateful event, he had avoided her like plague; and not only him but the whole staff had been treating her differently. She was the girlfriend of the boss now and she hated that. It had created an insurmountable distance between the employee and herself and she could feel everyone talking about her when they thought she was not looking.

Her mind was filled with unnecessary thoughts because she was trying to do her best not to let it wander to where it wanted. The famous kiss. It was better if she did not think about it at all. It meant nothing.

As Ashton had made it clear, it had only been a rehearsal for tonight and so what if it had blown away her senses? Chocolates blew away her senses too and it hardly meant anything to her, right? She would treat the kiss as eating chocolates, enjoyed it while she could but not crave for it because it would make her fat.

Despite herself, she felt herself looking forward to becoming fat in anticipation of other similar kisses. She had never been kissed like that; like he wanted to seep her very essence until she did not where she started and where he ended. They had been one and if that meant chemistry, she was in for a lot of trouble.

How could fate be so cruel to her? Of all the guys to choose, it had to be Ashton Cooper the one to whom she was attracted.

As she was getting dressed, she chose a simple yellow designer dress her aunt Aimee had gifted her. It was of fine muslin and was therefore comfortable to wear and she felt no need to wear a bra since it was damned hot. After tying up her hair in a tight ponytail, she looked at herself in the mirror and wrinkled her nose in disapproval.

She looked no younger than a teenager. No wonder Ashton would not feel any sexual feelings for her; she had seen the ladies he preferred. Every single month, he was tagged with a new face each with same hour glass figure , lustrous straight blonde hair and dashing blue eyes. It was his stereotype preference. In contrast, she looked at her rebellious curls bouncing in the ponytail, her rounded curves ruefully.

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