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Selena was back to square one again. No job. No money. She had sent her three months’ salary to Ashton’s office to compensate for the lack of notice. She could not afford not to pay her company’s notice again this time too as she feared she would never get the work testimonials she needed. Along with his damn check and rings. She did not want his money anymore.

Hurt was too feeble a word to express what she had felt when Ashton had ousted her out of his life. She had been heart-broken since she had been wishing foolishly that he would finally accepted what was between them and make her his. How mistaken she had been. And to think that he had not even wanted to wait for another month to be her pretend fiancé. The two months he had waited had been for Uncle Dev’s benefit and she should know that.

When he had not made any effort to break the engagement, she had been over the moon playing along even if she knew she had been building castle in thin air. But had not been expecting him to end their engagement so abruptly.

Even now as she remembered the way he had acted brought tears to her eyes. It was not fair. When she had thought to solve her problems, she had now more immediate problems to deal with. She had gotten a call from her bank yesterday that the apartment would be sealed as she had not made any payment since the past three months and she couldn’t care less.

Money hardly meant anything to her now. She had done the mistake of saving her salary and waiting till the end of December to pay off her apartment one she got the check. But now realized how wrong she had been in accepting the money in the first place.

What kind of person did that make her? Greedy? Over-ambitious? Selfish? No wonder Ashton had wanted to end any dealings with her as he must be seeing her under that light as well. Her personality reflection in the mirror was not so good and that was why she had preferred returning him the money. To prove to herself that she was a better person than that.

And what came over now was something she had brought upon herself. She was on the phone with her bankers trying to convince them to give her another extension for the payments.

“Mr. Johnson, please. I have never delayed any payments so far. Please try to understand that I have encountered some problems lately. Like I said I have some money but it will take some time before I am able to pay the installment.”

“But Miss McKenzie it’s been three months already. We’ve checked your balance and there’s not enough left. I’m afraid we have no other option left.”

“What about my past records? Doesn’t that count for anything?” she had the ugly impression that she was begging but she had no choice. She so did not want to be thrown out of her apartment. She cringed at the thought of her only option was to go and live with her mother

Especially after she had to tell her that she had broken up with Ashton. She had saved the worst part for when she went over to her place to finally tell her the truth, well at least part of the truth. It was going to be a full-blown nightmare. She would tell her that they had some differences instead of putting all the blame on him. It was not fair to put everything on his shoulders when she had a fair share of that charade too. And so she was going to get an earful.

Damn! Damn! Damn! She was too proud to ask for money to her friends even her sister Rachel. She wasn’t one for charity. Not since she had started to work and become an independent woman.

Massaging her head in an attempt to ease her headache, she sighed on the phone as the manager was putting her on wait. She had pleaded for some more time and even if she knew she was avoiding the inevitable, she had no choice really.

“Miss McKenzie, I have talked to the General Manager. He has agreed to give you one more week but I’m afraid..”

She sighed. One more week would not help as she would not be able to get another job within such a short notice. But still she took the gratuity given to her without any protest and thanked the bank manager profusely for his help. At least one week will give her ample time to pack her things and move out.

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