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Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! How could he be so stupid as to kiss her again? After he had found her freaking out in the bathroom, he had already decided not to touch her again. It was obvious that she was not used to being kissed like that and it had affected her very much Hell, he could understand her; he himself had been bowled by the sexual interlude between them.

The chemistry was getting out of hand and it was becoming hard to control. He had to let her go. For her sake. Abruptly, before his resolve could weaken, he wrenched himself from the kiss and muttered something under his breath not quite meeting her eyes.

He could not give in to his desire for her and sleep with her. Not while they still had the deal between them. He was paying her to pretend to be his girlfriend for Heaven's sake and whatever happened between them now, he was sure she was going to regret it come morning. Hell, she would feel like his whore if they slept together and he didn't want that.

Not for her. Even if he still didn't like her much, he knew she was a good soul and he would not wish that kind of thing to happen even to his worst enemy. And worst enemy she had been.  But no longer was. And besides wanting someone didn't mean he had to like her, right?

And he knew that sleeping with her would be a fatal mistake because she would expect more from him; more than he was prepared to give. To her or anybody else for that matter. So he tried to make it light not letting on how much he was affected by that attraction between them. It was for the best.

"Well, what a goodnight kiss!" he grinned at her wolfishly and watched as she fumbled nervously with the front of her robe and had to swallow at the intensity of the feeling which gripped him. He wanted to rip it off her and take her to bed right now. "I'm glad you have taken to your duties so devotedly."

Appeared taken aback at his light comment, she quickly recovered to smartly retort back as she had always done. "I believe in value for money."

Cynical, wasn't she? So she hadn't forgotten about the money as well? It was a good thing. Glad that they were back on the same footing, he nodded with conviction more for his benefit than hers. Stepping back, he twisted his finger round one curly tendril of her hair and kissed her playfully on the nose. Even if he knew that nothing was the same between them, he preferred not to talk about it because it would lead to disaster. "Be ready by ten," he said and stepped back.

As soon as he got in his room, he removed his clothes and headed for a cold shower. It was going to be a long long night.

As soon as he closed his eyes, his alarm went off and he woke up with a jerk. Was it morning already? Checking the clock, he discovered that it was already nine am and he had to prepare himself in one hour. Damn! He had not slept a wink and decided to get some more minutes before he went for the kill.

Snooze-alarm-snooze-alarm and Heaven knew when he felt asleep snoring loudly like a pig. Then, he felt an uncomfortable shake but slept on thinking groggily that there was an earthquake in his dreams. Then he felt stones being thrown his way and felt pain in his thighs as he tried to avoid them. Then, finally, it started to rain.

He woke up with a start to find Selena standing on his bed with her hands on her hips and looking furious and magnificent in her glory. Was that part of his dream too?

"You have ten minutes to get ready," she shouted down at his poor body and he realized she had been the earthquake and the stones had been her feet kicking him in the thighs And the rain in his dream was in fact the content of a flower vase she had just dumped on his head.

What the hell? Who was the boss around here? He sat up on the bed and bounced on the bed so that she lost her footage and fell on the bed head down in an ugly position. Before she could react, he jumped off the bed and locked himself in the bathroom.

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