Chapter 2

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"Among the Muslims the most perfect, as regard his faith, is the one whose character is excellent and the best among you are those who treat their wives well" ~~~ Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w).

Assalamualikum lovelies......
Here we go wid the second chapter.......
Missed you guyzzz.
Go ahead now........go.

Amaan's POV

'Assalamualaikum, I'm home mom' I said out loud but got no replies.

'Sir, mam is not at home, she has gone to visit someone with miss Samya' one of the maid said, I nodded in reply.
I sighed sitting on the couch, loosening my tie. I guess I know where she had gone, ...............Zoha.............
I remember her, when we were kids we used to play together, we were good friends, but that too only for some years, because I flew to England for studies at my aunts place after some years, although I was like too and fro from England to my place then also I didn't see her much and had returned two years ago finally to settle down here with mom.
I heard about her dad, he died six years ago, due to cancer, and now her mom too left her this early, all alone.

She is alone, that always occupy my mind with her thoughts.

I know this is wrong.
But every time I think about her I feel like comforting her, I never told anyone but, I really feel like taking her into my embrace and never ever let her go.

I really envy her after all this she went through, she still has great faith in Allah S.W.T as what mom tells us.
Ma sha Allah.

I had not seen her from last seven years other than the mere glimpse of her in weddings or family functions, I don't even know if she had ever noticed me this way, I still remember her bright smile, but now that all was the past for her, that happy girl is now lost somewhere in the sadness, happiness now means nothing to her, I want to be the reason to wipe away all her worries and saddened soul away from her, I want to give her that happiness, that joy, that life she had before her mom and dad left her.

To give her the life she deserves by Allah's will.

I want to love her.


I want to.

'Assalamualaikum son, when did you arrive?' I came out from my thoughts when my mom spoke and sat beside me.
My all worried face was long gone and in now came a big smile seeing my mom, 'Walekumassalam mom, just a few minutes ago' I told her.
'Assalamualikum Bhai' Samya said and went to her room to take off her abaya.
I'm the luckiest person in this world, having such a great mom on my side and my lovely little sister, but sadness knocked me when suddenly her thought made its way into my mind, how she lives alone, all alone.
'Amaan......' my mom trailed,
'hmmm?' I asked.
'Amaan I want you to marry, you are a grown-up man, you achieved everything you wanted baby, but your deen is not completed yet, as for a spouse is a half deen of a person'
mom spoke whilst stroking my hair but this time she was not kidding.

I knew.

I sighed getting up turned around to mom but didn't have any clue as to what should I say to her.
After a few seconds, I replied making myself shocked too.
'Go on mom........... maybe I'm ready this time', she looked shocked at first but just in seconds, she realised what her son just said.
she hugged me excitedly taking my life out of me and giggling like a small kid who got her favourite chocolate. 'Maaaawwwwm, if you will not leave me right now then I'm doubting if I could live' I exclaimed pretending, she hit me playfully and I feign hurt.
She suddenly started screaming 'Samya..... Sami, come down I have a piece of news for you', Samya came down adjusting her hijab as there are male servants too in the house,
'What happened mom?', she asked, out of clue for what happened here and why mom was shouting her to come down and holding me excitedly.
All in a one go.
Mom is mom...

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