Chapter 18

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"Call upon me, I will respond to you." ~~ Qur'an

Assalamualikum everyone!
I hope I did not make you wait too long?
This chapter is going to be a ride.
Let's go!!!
Enjoy *wink*

Farah's POV

'Before jumping to any decisions I suggest we should consider the
presentation prepared by Mr John.'
I leaned back to the chair I was sitting on.
'But I think we should raise funds for the education sector.' Mrs Mai stated.

'You are right Mrs Mai, but our first priority should be health facilities in that small village, only if you think about the same.' They all looked at me.
Right now we were discussing the villages our NGO is helping, in other countries.
We were all gathered in the conference hall for this meeting.

The vibration of my mobile on the table seized all the attention of the room towards me, showing the caller I'd of Amaan.
I avoided it initially, however, instinct pushed my hands to the phone to answer the call.
I excused myself from the room.

'Assalamualikum, baby.' I cheered only to be met with the silence on the other side.
My eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched.
Creases settled on my forehead.

'Amaan?' I question worried,
'Mom!!', as soon as the word mom left his mouth, my world shook badly.

Is he crying?


What happened?

'Amaan what happened baby? why are you crying?',
I panicked.
And only heard him cry harder this time.

My little boy did not worry me much at the time when he broke his arm.
But it is worrying to hear him cry now.

'Mom...I...I...Zo...Zoha', his voice busted my thoughts.
'What happened to her? and where are you? where is Zoha? Amaan please tell me, you are panicking me, baby.'
I was shivering with the negative thoughts developing in my mind.
Without replying he ended the call.
'Amaan ama......', I tried to call his number again but all went in vain.

Never in my life, I would have thought that one day he'd call me like this, again, that my strong and faithful child will break down again in front of me, but the difference is, years ago he was small to be pampered and to be handled with love.
That time because of his broken arm he wasn't able to play with his friends.
Caring him was a tough job for me since his childhood, on that part his father handled him every time till his life...
The next time he did cried was the time of his fathers funeral, my children were desolated, but then Amaan was too attached to his father, it took him months to regain his normal self.

All of a sudden my reverie interrupted when I thought to call Zoha.

I tried calling her but she too didn't answer my call, which stressed me more.
Ya Allah what's going on.

Allah keep my family safe and sound, Ya Allah, you are the All-knower.

I was pacing to and fro in my cabin, impatiently.
Thinking every possible thing happened to them.
My forehead now started sweating due to all the negative thoughts arising in my mind.
Hoping, nothing of them to come true.

I again tried calling Amaan's number, he didn't answer, again.

'Mom!' My eyes travelled to the door, he looked so dishevelled, stressed and worn out.
I hope everything is good.
In sha Allah.

He came inside and hugged me tightly. Relieving his tensions and problems.
After a few seconds I pulled him to sit on the couch, after asking him to calm down and giving him some water to drink, I asked him the most obvious question of the time.
He explained everything with insecurities building in him, about the other man who was carrying his wife.
How he didn't held her hand when the time she needed him, how he did nothing to get through whatever she is going, how he left her there with some unknown person, how he fails to love her truly, how he fails to trust her and how he is feeling too low of himself right now.
My boy was in the biggest turmoil of his life.
And why would he not? It is about his other half, his wife, our Zoha.
Why would he not?
He rested his head on my lap.

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