Chapter 3

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"[Allah] said: Fear not. Indeed, I am with you both; I hear and I see". ~~~~~~Quran.

'We are never alone'👆

Assalamualaikum lovely people's.
How are you all?
Here is the newieee for you.
Offer salah before reading if u haven't offered yet.

Zoha's POV

'Whatever happens baby, never lose faith in Allah. He is the creator, the most mercifully and of course, He loves us, of course, He loves you too baby, please do not change yourself, be what you are, when we were with you, smile darling......   smile', my mom spoke patting my head tenderly.
Concerned, she was for me.
My mom..... I sobbed more.
'I can't mom, dad left me, you left me, for whom I will smile for, mom my existence here in this world is just because of Allah, I can't go against Allah SWT, this is my fate and I know everything Allah planned is for good, so please let me be..',
I sobbed to her again
'I love you baby and we always will remember that we will meet again. In sha Allah.'
mom spoke disappearing into nowhere, 'mom please don't go, don't..... please.....', I got up crying from my nightmare, this was now usual with me, it happens every night but there is no one to soothe me, to love me, to caress me. I sat on my bed for few minutes when my train of thoughts derailed when I heard Fajr Adhaan call.
Wiping my tears with the back of my hand I went to offer ablution to offer Salah.

I was in my car heading to the office.
My mobile started vibrating in my hand and again without bothering to look at the caller I'd I answered the call and there comes aunt Farah's voice all excited from the other side.
'Assalamualaikum child, how are you?',
To confirm it was her I took a quick glance at the caller I'd before placing my mobile against my ear again.
Suddenly it hit me, what had she call me for.
How on earth I'm going to tell her I can't.........., I can't ruin someone's life, there happiness, I can't be that burden on someone's shoulder. If that happens my whatever few me I have in me will end up to nowhere.
Yes, I agreed to whatever she asked me to marriage and things its been three days when she came to my house, b..but I can't, I just can't do this.

I can't..........

'Walekumassalam aunt, I'm fine'
I spoke, 'no you are not a child'
after a heavy sigh, she stated calmly 'I'll send the car at seven and you are coming to my place'.
'I have a meeting aunt, I can't' I tried to refuse her proposal, but she being she didn't allow me to do that, 'then I'll ask driver to go at eight to pick you up, problem solved' she laughed muttering Allah Hafiz, and didn't even gave me a chance to reply before she hanged up the call.
Aghh... Now what?, nothing and I have to go to her place, that's it.
Problem solve...
*people note the sarcasm here*
I laughed at my situation- condition whatever it is.
I chuckled, thinking about mom and aunt Farah once again,
If mom would have been here then only because of both these ladies,
I would have probably gone insane by now.
Only if......
I dismissed the thoughts.

I know it's better to wrap up my work, I don't want Aunt Farah to get angry over something like this.

After doing so, I walk out of my building only to notice Aunt Farah's driver was already here.
Her driver held the door open for me gesturing me to be inside her car.
It took almost fifteen minutes to reach in front of the big mansion likewise mine.
I went in only to be greeted by the maid who told me to be seated and that she'll call both of the ladies.
And in no seconds Samya came inside to strangle me to death.

I chuckled.
Okay... That was too much, I meant to hug the life out of me.
After greeting she took me inside with her towards the dining area screaming to Aunt Farah about my arrival.
Aunt Farah came smiling towards me and hugged me too,
Woah...woah... What's going on literally, with hugs and peoples today. I thought.....

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