Chapter 17

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"O you who believe! Seek help in patience and As-Salat (the prayer). Truly! Allah is with As-Sabirun (the patient)" ~ Quràn

Zoha's POV

I sat in the backyard, my legs folded and palms rounded around the cup of coffee, my eyes mostly closed.
Chirping of the birds giving the rhythmic sound with the chill wind blowing. The world we knew sink is now appearing in the sight again.
This time of the day is my best part to be alone and to feel serenity.

'Am I invading your privacy?' He sat next to me covering me with a quilt.
'Oh! Believe me, you already did.' I rolled my eyes at him.
'Hah! I accomplished what I came here for,' he smacked my head, saying with a high pitched devilish voice which he miserably failed.
'Argh! Why do you always have to do that? ....,...Zainy boy?' I chuckled.
His face scrunched on listening to that.
'Everything but that, Zoha.'
'Yeah sure.'  I said with the straight face. 
'Thanks' he rolled his eyes taking the sip from his coffee.
'Zainy boy....'
'Yes!! I'm here, always!' We laughed.

'Tell me?' He turned his face to my side after a few seconds.
'Will you be able to survive without me?'
'What am I suppose to say?' I raised my left brow, perplexed.
'Truth.' He demanded.

Without even thinking a 'no' came out of my lips making his smile grew bigger.
'Why do you ask?'

'It's nothing'

It was after a few weeks I learned that he is leaving us and he knew, that is why he asked. 
I fought with him so many times that I even forgot the count.
I was mad and angry at him because until then I never thought my life without him.

However now, I don't feel anything.
I'm not angry.

I needed you back then, I need you and always will in my life.
I don't know if I should even look forward to seeing you someday.



After wrapping my hijab and taking my files and bag, I went down for the breakfast.

I smiled at Aunt Farah and kissing her cheek as I sat down on the right side of her.

'Today I won't be here at dinner.' Aunt Farah said.

'Something?' I took the sip of the juice from my glass.

'I have dinner with Mrs Walls.' she smiled.
'Oh!! alright, Aunt Farah'.

Mrs Walls is one of the NGO's acquaintances who happens to be Aunt Farah's friend too.

'Where is Amaan, he didn't came down yet?' she enquired.
'Showering, still.'
She nodded.

'Assalamualikum mom.' Amaan greeted coming down after ten minutes when we were in the middle of some conversation, he sat on his chair only after kissing Aunt Farah's cheek.
'What took you so long my prince?' Aunt Farah mocked, making me chuckle.
'Mom, I know I'm late.' He chuckled and rubbed his nape sheepishly.
A bit embarrassed.
Aunt Farah and I both laughed at him.
'Here.' I passed him the omelette and the buttered bread.

'Assalamualikum everyone' we all turned to the sound knowing very well who it belongs to.

'Walekumassalam. Oh, my Allah Sami! you surprised us.' We all went to them and I was the one to hug her first and Amaan went to Yawar who was strolling in, behind Samya.

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