Chapter 4: Marking What's Mine

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A/N: Heyaa everyone! Finally here comes chapter 4 sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this one and please notice this chapter will contain very mild smut. This chapter is dedicated to my lovely wife mychemicalrainbows who I got to skype today for the first time and it was all like a dream and since I know we both ship Allydia I can't wait to hear what you think of this chapter babe. ❤️ And also dedicated for my beautiful angel FangirlsandFandoms I love you sweetie. And a huge thank you for all of you guys you are amazing! ❤️ With love, Arisa.

Allison's POV:

I was boiling with anger and to my surprise, jealousy too as I ran after Lydia. Malia was very atractive I was not going to lie and she was deffinetly gonna pull up a fight which worried me. Would Lydia really stay with me no matter what? She was already unsure of her feelings and now that Malia had confessed her feelings for Lydia she probaply would try everything in her power to get Lydia. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. It wouldn't help anything or anyone if I would start to worry. I would pull up a fight too. I wouldn't lose Lydia. Not for her. Not for anyone. She was mine. I really wished Angelus Regno would have phones. I could've just called Lydia. She must've been confused and sad and I wanted to be there for her. Finally behind one corner I saw a familiar strawberry blonde sitting on the ground with knees pulled tight against her chest and head hidden on her knees. I didn't waste no more time but kneeled infront of her and took her into my arms. I rocked us back and worth and whispered comforting little nothings to her ear.

"Hey it's okay Lyds. It really is. Don't let Malia's games get into you like that." I said and hugged her tightly.
"I know. But I... I thought she felt something too... I'm so confused... And she lied to me Ally she really did!" Lydia said looking at me with sad teary eyes.

I felt a lump in my throat. Malia felt something for Lydia. Should I tell Lydia the truth? I felt bad since I didn't want to lose Lydia but I didn't want to lie to her. I sighed and looked deep into Lydia's emerald green eyes.

"Malia told me she wants to fight for you she has feelings for you too. But know that I'm not gonna let you go just like that. She really has to fight." I told her firmly.
"She does?" Lydia asked eyes wide.
"Yeah." I just muttered feeling jealous rise inside of me.
"Ally? Are you maybe a little... jealous?" she asked smiling playfully.
"Who me? Of course not. Why would I be? I have no reason to be." I told and huffed.
"Is that so?" Lydia chuckled.
"Are trying to tell me I should be worried Mrs. Martin?" I asked and rested my forehead against her's.
"Maybe?" she said smirking.
"Oh you have no idea what you've just started." I said narroving my eyes playfully.

All of a sudden she got up and in the process flipped me to my back. I stared ar her in awe as she started to laugh and ran towards our apartment which was on the other side of the road. She showed her tongue for me behind her shoulder and I smirked. This was the Lydia I remembered. This was the one I would mark as mine tonight...

Lydia's POV:

I laughed at Allison's confused expression and started to ran towards nowadays our apartment. I had no idea what had gotten into me but I felt happy. I felt like I wanted to do all kinds of crazy things and just be playful with her. I ran inside the block house and all the way to the third and highest floor. Just when I reached the door I felt a pair of strong arms lift me up to their shoulders and I cried and giggled. Allison opened the door and lowered me to the floor. We took our outdoor clothes off and just when I was about to ask her if she had anything on mind she smashed her lips into mine. The kiss wasn't the usual gentle one. This was a passionate and rough kiss. It made my cheeks heat up, actually it made my whole body heat up. It made me feel like I was on fire. My knees went all weak and Allison had to held me up. We had to separate for air and I immideatly missed her lips on mine.

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