Chapter 6: It's Not Your Fault

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A/N: Hi everyone! Here comes chapter 6. I hope you will enjoy this chapter please tell me what you think. Thank you all so much for your support I can't believe this story has so many views already! Oh and this chapter is dedicated to my lovely squad ❤️ With love, Arisa.

Malia's POV:

"And who made you to be in charge may I ask? Because what the f*ck Argent!" I said furiously as Allison tried to tell me what to do.
"I made! She's my aunt so I know her better than you! I also know what to do with an abandoned angels while I bet you don't even know what they are!" she said looking at me anoyed.
"Yes I do! They are angels who had done something unforgivable here in Angelus Regno and have been sended to hell and once in a month they are allowed to come back to where they used to live in Angelus Regno. And she might be your aunt but I'm entering the building first so let me do this my way and when you come in you can do what you want." I muttered.

"Fine! But it's not my fault if you end up dead!" she said furrowing her eyebrow looking pissed.
"And quit looking that pissed I wanna save Lydia probaply more tha yo- Oi! You stop that right now! And why are you hitting me with one of those?!" I started but was interrupted as she smacked me with one of her arrows.
"Because you better never underestimate what I'm ready to do for Lydia." she said looking at me with almost hurt expression in her eyes.
"Right then I'm sorry furious knight." I said rolling my eyes.

We finally reached the old building and I looked at Allison who noded at me. I noded back and started to walk towards the building while Allison went to wait behind a corner for my mark. I looked at the big sliding doors infront of me. I had to admit this place gave me the chills but shook the thought out of my head. This wasn't a time to be a coward. We were here to get Lydia back. Our Lydia. I didn't like the sound of that but I knew I should get used to it. I slide the doors opened and entered the building smirking at how badass it made me feel. I was here to save Lydia.

"Step one more step and I'll shoot." I heard an unfamiliar woman voice command.
"And who te h*ll do you think you are to tell me what to do?" I answered cockily.
"My name is Kate Argent and if you really care about this whiny b*tch then I would stay very steady now." she told stepping forward.

Kate had Lydia in her hold and no matter how hard Lydia tried to get off of her hold she wasn't letting go. On her other hand she had gun pointing straight to my forehead and I stopped in my tracks. Lydia looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head furiously probaply trying to tell me to get the f*ck out of here but like h*ll I would leave her. I just smiled at her soothingly and made an unstopable mark with my fingers to Allison.

"Ouch! Did you just bite me you disgusting thing?!" Kate suddenly screamed and hit Lydia's cheek.

And that was when I completely lost it. I didn't give a f*ck for the fact that she had a gun I didn't give a f*ck about anything else but the fact she had left an angry red mark on Lydia's cheek. I growled in pure anger and pulled out my iron glaw weapons. I pressed them deep into Kate's arm making her drop both Lydia and the gun. I grapped the gun and throwed it to Allison who just entered the building before rushing to Lydia's side.

Allison's POV:

I grapped the gun and pointed it to Kate. She looked at me confused but started to smirk.

"If it isn't my favourite girl Allison then I must be badly mistaken. I see I taught you well back then." she said looking at me in a way that made me just wanna leash into her.
"I'm glad I didn't follow all your lessons so well. I mean look at yourself Kate how Low have you sunken? You kidnapped my girlfriend to get me here. If you want to talk to me or do something to me how about you just next time ring the door bell?" I said little surprised of my sassiness by myself.
"But darling where's the fun in that? And I don't really like this girlfriend of your's. She's annoying I don't understand what you see in her. That b*tch even bit me!" she said rubbing her hand which had teeth marks in it.

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