Chapter 8: Time Of Dying

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A/N: Thank you all for reading this story it's been so fun and emotional to write since I had to balance between Allydia and Malydia. But thankfully now the ladies are happily together all three. And this is the very last chapter of this story I hope you guys enjoyed the story and that you will enjoy this chapter and be happy with the endgame. Thank you for everything everyone. ❤️ With love, Arisa.

Malia's POV:

"But Malia you can't go!" Lydia said in panic.
"No Lydia this is something I can't decide. I have to go." I said trying to hide my own panic.
"If that's the situation then I'm coming with you." Allison said and I noded thankfully.
"I will come too!" Lydia said but we both shot her a death glare.
"Absolutely not. We can't risk you life it's top dan-" I started but was interrupted.
"I will come. If you can risk your life's then you just can't expect me to wait and sit here! I can't lose you two! And if you're gonna fight I wanna fight too! I was a banshee for heaven's sake and I'm not some helpless crybaby who needs protection! I'm so done!" Lydia said so furiously that me and Allison fell into complete silence.
"I suppouse you then will come right? No matter how much we wish for you not to?" Allison asked giving Lydia a gentle smile and taking her hand into her's.
"Yes." Lydia just said.
"And sorry for making you feel like that we both know you're a strong little thing." I said taking her other hand into mine.
"It's okay. Let's just go now." she said smiling at us.
"Yeah!" I and Allison said in unision.

I took my key necklace and opened the portal. I took Lydia's and Allison's hand and we stepped into the big swirl. I felt Lydia tense and pressed her hand gently. To my surprise I felt Allison press my hand and I smiled at her. After all this kind of relationship wasn't so bad. Although I still every now and them wished Lydia would be just mine. I fell deep into my thought and didn't even realize we had arrived until Allison waved her hand infront of my face. I blinked my eyes couple of times before smirking at Allison apologetically. I started to walk towards Death's palace in the middle of Ruinosus. I found it very funny when Lydia and Allison both walked through the city with wide eyes. Though the feeling of fun vanished as soon as we entered the palace's gates. I took a deep breath and marched inside my head held high. If I was about to go down I would go down with pride.

"Malia my favourite fallen one!" Death greeted me through his black mask.
"And if it wasn't my Master who want's to execute me then I would be very surprised." I said while rolling my eyes trying not to seem nervous.
"About that... I'm very dissapointed you know? You weren't the one who I wished to break my beautiful rules... You should've thought what you done you know... And it seems you dragged this little thing who caused this mess here with you." he said faking to be hurten.
"This is by any part not her fault. It was my decission to stay and help that night. And I understand your dissapointment but I still want to apologize. I said putting my hand into tight fist but still bowed him.
"Oh is that so?" he asked not looking amused. "Well you still need to be punished for what you did. One does simply not break my ru-" he said but was interrupted.
"Hasn't she been punished enough already? Isn't the mark on her calf already enough? You left your disgusting mark into her for he whole life! She has to carry you with her forever and that's the worst punishment there is!" Lydia screamed furiously and walked infront of him.
"What did you say you pathetic thing?" Death said and rose up from his throne.
"You heard me!" she said and me and Allison shared a shocked glares.
"I see the mark bothers you huh? I wouldn't mind carving one on you too." he said and grapped a from hold of Lydia's wrist.

I quickly stepped infront of Lydia and gave Death a warning glare but he just smirked.

"You don't talk to my girlfriend like that." I growled.

I glanced at Lydia who looked at me surprised. I had never called her that before. I felt her arms wrap around me from behind and I smiled at her. I glanced back at Death and he looked furious. Both me and Allison tensed and Allison pulled Lydia with her just in time before Death's knife cutted her wrist. I dodged the knife but some of my hair fell to the floor. I jumped to where Lydia and Allison were. I gave them a small smile and showed my hair making them see I was otherwise unaharmed. I heard Lydia sigh in relief and lean into Allison. Then I turned to Death with an angry look on my eyes.

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