Chapter 3: Hellish Lies

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A/N: Hi everyone chapter three is up! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing this. At the same time it sometimes hurts to write this story but I still enjoy it. Thank you all for you support! Tell me what you think so far. With love, Arisa.

Lydia's POV:

I noticed Malia loosen her grip for a second and used it immideatly. I squirmed out of her hold and ran away. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't look back. I was confused and in shock. I had kissed her back! I had enjoyed the kiss! Wasn't I in love with Allison? Why did Malia made me feel like this? Why was I confused about my feelings? Wasn't I just suppoused to know who I liked the most?! I felt like my head would explode. I tried to literally ran away from my thoughts  but was soon stopped as I smashed into something soft and flew backwards on to my butt. I groaned and rubbed my back. I should've looked where I was going. I looked up to see who I had ran into and my eyes widened.

"Allison..." I whispered.
"Lydia! Don't ever do that again! I was worried sick. Why would you just ran away like that? What happened?" she said obviously worried.
"I'm so sorry..." I managed to say before starting to sob.

This was all just too much. How could I tell her how Malia had made me feel? She would be hurt and mad for sure. This was all so f*cked up and all because of me. I couldn't hold my tears and started to cry out loud like a toddler. I was tired, frustareted, confused and mad at myself. I felt two strong arms wrap around me and I burried my face to Allison's comfoting chest. She stroked my hair and I leaned into her touch. I felt so bad though and I knew I had to tell. I couldn't just pretend nothing had happened or that I hadn't felt a thing. I took a deep breath and met her eyes.

"Th-the cat turned out to be Ma-Malia. I followed her to th-this empty street a-and she kissed me. A-and I enjoyed it." I finished and was ready to ran away again but Allison held me firmly in my place.
"I had a feeling it would be her. And don't worry I'm not mad okay? You have the right to choose who you love the most. But know that I'm gonna fight for you and at the moment you're my girlfriend okay?" she said and made me feel a lot more calm and her husky last words whispered into my ear made me shiver.
"Allison... I'm sorry..." I whispered tears still falling.
"Oh Lydia... I said it's okay. I'm not gonna let her take you away from me. I'll fight. And no matter what I'll be there for you okay?" she said and hugged me comfotingly.
"Okay." I whispered and burried into her neck.

We sat like that there in the middle of the misty pavement in the calm of the night enjoying the now relaxed feeling between us. Allison helped me stood up and we started to walk back towards her apartment. She looked at me with a serious face and I tilted my head confused.

"Is something wrong?" I asked worried.
"I just wanna talk with Malia that's all." she muttered.
"Well if you promise not to hurt each other and just talk then I think we should find her." I said and looked deep into her chocolate brown eyes.
"I promise." she said and kissed me.

I was very glad to feel the familiar sensation as our lips touched. I hadn't lost my feelings towards her not a bit. Though at the same time it made things only more complicated. I tried to shook my thoughts away and just melted into the kiss. We pulled for air and I rested my head into her neck. I breathed in Allison's familiar scent. She smelt like after rain woods and cinnamon. Her scent soon filled my head and made me forgot about everything else. She scooped me into her arms and I wrapped my legs around her waist as we kissed again. Her tongue teased mine and I moaned. I felt so turned on and just wanted her to ran to her house and rip all my clothes away and made me her's but I knew we had to solve things out. We pulled out for air again and she placed me back to the ground. I smiled at her as I was trying to catch my breath and she showed me a knee weakening grin making her dimples show.

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