Comfort [Oikawa Tooru] (Haikyuu!!)

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

mood. i just added the end or else everyone would have my head if i ended it the way i had originally wanted to.


"Yoo-hoo, (Y/N)-chan~!" the irritating voice of the brown-haired male resounding throughout the nearly deserted house made the (H/C) haired girl flopped on her bed let out a loud frustrated sigh.

She didn't respond, and instead shut her eyes tightly, hoping that this was just a result of her mind going crazy from all the work she had done all day. Anything but the actual person there himself.

Of course, her prayer went ignored and the door to her room was opened. She pretended to be asleep, the back of her left hand covering her eyes, and her right arm under her head. The lights to her room were turned on, she could tell by the cracks of light that seeped through between her fingers.

"Oh, you're sleeping. Guess I'll just have to wake you up."

She could literally envision himself in her head, tiptoeing over to her bed slowly, a huge grin plastered on his face, wiggling his fingers, about to tickle her. Wait. Tickle he-

A giggle escaped her lips as he started to tickle her sides, and then slowly, to full-blown laughter. "St-" she laughed. "-o-" Laugh. "-p-p." she pleaded, in between her laughs.

"Were you pretending to be asleep?" he asked, narrowing his eyes, as he stopped tickling her, resting his hands beside her.

She didn't respond, and instead looked to her side, a large frown making it's way to her face.

He leaned closer - something he had noticed usually got her flustered, but this time, she didn't do so much as blinking.

"What's wrong?" he asked her.


It was then, he realized that amidst of tickling her, they had gotten into an awkward position. He was literally on top of her, their legs tangled, and his arms were caging her. This was wrong on so many levels.

He quickly got off her, and sat down beside her. "Did something happen?" he asked her, trying to shake off the blush that had started to creep up his neck.

She bit her lip, and flipped over to the opposite side. "Hey..." she finally said, her voice suddenly sounding really meek. "If I cried...would you stay?"

It felt like something had repeatedly pricked his heart with sharp needles, (Y/N)'s voice sounded so weak, there was so much pain behind those words, and he had never once seen her in a state like this. She was always so strong, keeping a smile plastered on her face and constantly telling him of for everything he did, she was always the one comforting them whenever they lost a game, the one who wouldn't crack under anything. Who had done this to her?

"Of course, I wouldn't leave you." he told her, getting up and going to the other side of her bed, and kneeling down in front of her, only to see that there were tears already flowing out her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked her softly.

She didn't respond, closing her eyes tightly, her lip quivering, before she finally let out a small cry.

He took her smaller hands in her bigger ones, whispering comforting things to her as she sobbed. Somehow, as she cried, she found herself in his tight grip, crying into his shirt as he stroked her head comfortingly, both of them sitting on the ground, and a blanket over her head.

The comfort she felt in his arms was overwhelming. She felt more at home than ever, and her tears began to slowly come to an eventual stop.

They both sat on the ground in silence. (Y/N) gripped his shirt tightly, "Thanks." she mumbled quietly.

"Do you want to watch a movie and eat ice cream now?" he asked her, moving the blanket away from her head so he could see her face.

She nodded. "That'd be nice."

She tried to get up, but his arms around her prevented her from moving at all. "Tooru, could you...?"

He quickly loosened his grip, this time, a blush actually creeped up to his face. The both of them got up, (Y/N) not noticing anything though.

She settled on the couch after putting in the CD for the movie she wanted to watch as Oikawa brought ice cream from the kitchen, settling down beside her.

(Y/N) put her head on his shoulder, surprising him. "Can I use you as a pillow?" she asked, a yawn escaping her lips.

"Y-yes, but why?" He was grateful that she couldn't see his now red face.

"Because I can." she responded as the movie began, and they sat silently, eating ice cream and watching the movie. A little while later, (Y/N) spoke up.

"Hey Tooru?"


"Do you have a fever or something?"

He panicked, had she felt the temperature rise around his neck when he blushed?


"You're actually being nice instead of being the normal egoistic jerk you usually are."

Ah, normal (Y/N) had finally returned.

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