Irritable [Tsukishima Kei] (Haikyuu!!)

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Monday, May 2, 2016

ahahahahhaha, guess who's in a bad mood again???? yeah, that's moody jerrica. i had this thing in my drafts for a long time, so to make it seem like this book is sort of alive, i decided to upload this. i'm on a horrible writer's block rip. well bye, gonna go study < that just goes to show how stressed i am rn.


"(Y/N), you and Tsukishima can't ever get along, yet you can get along with anyone and everyone else." Noya said as he received a ball that (Y/N) had served.

It was a little late, but (Y/N) was helping Noya practice.

"I can't help it! He's so irritating!" She groaned as she thought about glasses - wearing tree.

"Have you ever given him a water bottle properly? Instead of throwing it at him when he is unaware?"

She shook her head. "Nope! Never will."

"You can't do it, isn't that right?" Tanaka had heard the conversation as he walked past the gym.

(Y/N) scowled. She did not like anyone associating her with the word, 'can't.' She liked to do everything. But this was being nice to Tsukishima. That jerk didn't deserve it.

"I...can...too..." she grumbled.

"Oh, really?" Tanaka was trying to razz her and it was working.

"Of course, I can!" She crossed her arms.

"You know that bakery that has been growing really popular a blocks from here? I want the chocolate cake from there." Tanaka told her.

"I want one to myself as well!" Noya told her.

She rolled her eyes in irritation. "I can do this. We'll see tomorrow. Just watch."

"What is happening tomorrow?" Sugawara asked, he had noticed the lights in the gym were still on and went to see who was in there.

"(Y/N) is going to hand Tsukishima a water bottle nicely, or else we get cake." Noya told him.

Sugawara gave (Y/N) a look. "You're going to be nice to Tsukishima? What happened?"

(Y/N) groaned angrily. "You guys are so annoying. It's just being nice! I CAN'T EVEN THINK OF BEING NICE TO HIM!" She shook her head vigorously.

"Be sure to alert me when she does, okay?" Sugawara said, amused. This was definitely going to be a sight to see.


A bottle was held out to Tsukishima calmly. He stared at the slender hand for a few moments before looking up at the face the hand belonged to.

"Do you have a fever?" He asked, faux concern lacing his words.

(Y/N) scowled, before masking her irritation with a smile. "No, of course not. Is there something wrong with being nice to a member of club I am managing?"

"Yes, because it's you. Since when are you nice to me?" He raised an eyebrow.

Her face twitched as she grit her teeth in irritation. "Will. You. Take. The. Damned. Bottle."

"How do I know you haven't laced it with toxic?" He crossed his arms, enjoying the look on her face.

She stomped her feet angrily and threw the bottle at him angrily. "I freakin' can't do this damn thing!" She growled, stalking away angrily.

"(Y/N), you owe as that cake!" Noya and Tanaka had doubled over in laughter, while Sugawara and anyone else who had witnessed the scene were also amused.

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