Poison (Zen Wistaria) [Akagami no Shirayukihime)

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[edited: 8/29/16; i was reading over this as i procrastinate on a civics assignment due tomorrow and fUDHDH tHE fReAkiNg tYpOsSsSsSsssS. ik there is a better way to write half of this, but like i said, writer's block is a bitch and it won't let me do anything creative. and then,, i might just unpublish everything cause i'm severely self-conscious of my work. like severely.]

Monday, August 15, 2016

oh, what's this? i'm finally updating after 3 months?? surprised, aren't you? well i don't think this book has any fans left lmao. after my last update i got with an extreme case of writer's block. 

this book probably won't be updated often anymore since school starts next week *depression* and i won't have time to sit and try to break through my writer's block. kms school starts next week.

i found this a while go in my google docs the other day when i was bored, and i actually liked it. i edited it a bit and uploaded it. //no one reads this author's note


Their swords struck away at each other, one reluctant, while the other striking away relentlessly.

"(Y/N), I told you I don't want to fight you!" exclaimed the man with the pale hair and blue eyes radiating anguish.

"You have no choice! You have to fight me!" the woman with dark (H/C) hair and emotionless (E/Y) eyes fought against him, with everything she had, forcing him to fight her as well.

"I can't do that!" he said as he blocked every one of her strikes before she could seriously injure him.

"Yet, you have to. Come on, what are you afraid of? Just fight me and kill me. Get it over with." she said as she stopped moving her sword.

"Kill me, Zen." she said as she saw Zen struggle to decide what to do next. She put her sword in its sheath.

"Come on, I made it easier for you. Kill me. If you don't kill me, I'll have to kill you. I know you don't want to die. You have a life to live. You have friends to live for. I don't have any of that." she blinked away the haziness surrounding her vision.

Zen's arm shook as his sword slowly inched toward her heart, and only millimeters away, it stopped.

"Come on, Zen." she prodded as a tear escaped her right eye. "Kill me. After all, I'd rather die at the edge of your sword than anyone else's."

The world seem to stop as Zen stared into her broken eyes, unable to move his sword further. Her hands unwillingly moved toward his sword, grabbing onto it. The blade cut into her skin, droplets of blood now freely running down her hand. She gripped it tight, and tried to move the sword the small distance it needed to so that it would stab her through her heart.

"I'm not letting you die, (Y/N)." he pulled away his sword, his grip loosened and it clattered to the rocky ground.

He took a few steps forward, and enveloped her in a hug. Her eyes widened and the tears she was trying so hard to suppress were now running freely. "Why are you still holding onto me as if I mean something?"

"You do mean something to me, (Y/N). You mean a lot to me." He held onto her tighter. "You always have. Just because we were forced to separate and now fight against one another, it doesn't mean that I don't care about you."

"You...you still care about me?" she whispered in surprise.

"Yeah, I still do." he mumbled. "(Y/N) you still have someone to live for. You still have family. You still have me. You're not alone. Please, come with me. I don't want to leave you, please don't leave me."

She didn't respond for what seemed like forever. Then she whispered a faint, "Thank you." and she let out a small whimper. Pulling back, he stared at her dumbfounded as she hugged herself tightly, her face twisted into a grimace.

She had been poisoned a few weeks ago. For so long, she had managed to fight the poison. Now, it was too late. She couldn't stop it, for it had managed to reach her heart.

"(Y/N)...what's wrong?" he asked her, worry evident in his tone.

"Thank you for telling me that I wasn't alone." she whispered.

"No, no, no." he shook his head. "You can't be dying."

"It's okay, this day was going to come one day." she said weakly, her hand reaching out to his face. "At least...at least I got to spend my last moments with you." she gave a bitter smile. "It's okay to die now that I know that I have someone that cares for me." Before her hand came in contact with his face, it fell to her side. Her eyes were shut as her head lolled back, lifelessly.

She'd fought with the poison this long, just so that she would be able to see his face once more.

He held her dead body close, tears streaming down his face as he mourned for the loss of a precious friend.

"Let's meet again one day Zen. Wouldn't that be fun?"

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