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he wasn't always down and sad. he used to be happy. his eyes were filled with so much light, his heart swelling with love and his skin glowed as bright as a summer day.

so what happened?

he didn't know. no, scratch that. he couldn't understand what happened. couldn't comprehend it. the world had just decided to swallow him whole. take his happiness and replace it with the darkest of darkness. his eyes weren't the deep green that looked like a never ending forest. they were drained. his evergreen eyes were faded. not from age, from hope.

the cool wind pricked at his hands as he went to push up his semi-thick rimmed glasses. it was only three in the afternoon and the street were flooding with cars and passerby's much like himself, he began to people watch. there were teenagers listening to mind numbing music. families walking hand-in-hand through the busying streets ensuring that no one would become lost.


his look hardened at the thought of his own. family. a six letter word but yet seemed to have so much meaning to peoples lives. except his. his family was the one you'd see in cheesy movies were everything was perfect. the house wife with a bright smile and made everyone happy. the working dad, in which case his was a physician. the perfect kids, all of them athletic, good looking. lies. they were all lies. a mere facade they put up. everything there family did was a lie. the smiles, laughs, everything. they did to themselves thinking that if the made themselves believe it's real it would become real. it's sad they didn't know that they were the ones making themselves this way, not the other way around. he hasn't spoken to his family ever since he came out. it didn't really bother him though, if they wanted to make the effort in speaking to him they would've done it a long time ago.

he checked the time on his iPhone 6s, it was going on four twenty. he was due back in his writing class in ten minutes. 'so much for a break' he thought. he went into the side pocket of his bookbag letting the cool air prick at his fingers. it was only may and everything still seemed to be stuck on an endless winter. he grabbed is earbuds and plugged them into his phone. music from his spotify blared through them. he put them on, pulled his jacket up to his chin and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. making his way back to campus.

the green eyed boy whose eyes were filled with so much light, whose heart swelled with love and skin glowed like a summer day. what was his name? his name was well... a name. something to use to get someones attention, something that your parents gave you cause it seemed like it fit. he didn't feel like this fitted him. he didn't live up to the name, he was a disgrace to it.

his name, was connor.


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