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i was asked to write about an event in my life. 

that event could've been anything. happy, sad or awakening. 

i decided to write about my transition in life.

my transition from dark to light. 

used to be sad. no scratch that, i used to be depressed. but i would never admit to it. i had lost my only friend. i had lost my family. i had no one. it wasn't until a faithful day a blue eyed boy walked into my life. he was my light. he was my guide. i knew that at the time but i decided to push it away. i had been so used  to having no one the thought of someone wanting me terrified me. it wasn't until i was at my lowest when i realized that i needed to speak up.

i needed to breathe again.

now? well now i have my best friend back. i'm no longer the depressed boy i once was. my family is back in my life and everything has finally begun to look up. as for the blue eyed boy, my light. he became my beautiful beautiful boyfriend who i absolutely adore. 

i was once a boy who thought his life was worthless and no one would ever love him to someone who changed their life for the better and hasn't regretted it since. things been looking up and i actually felt like the hell i was put through was meant for me because now i've never been more happy.  

my name is connor j. franta and this has been my story. i've been through hell and depression. self-hate and self-love i wanted it to end and i wanted to die. but now i stand with a smile and my boyfriend and best friend next to me. we all had demons chasing us. but we were saved in our own special way. 

we each learned to breath again.

give us a moment 

and you will see 

we all now know

how to breathe

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