Chapter 2

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The moment I woke up I felt strong arms around me. Why was someone carrying me? I opened my eyes and saw a boy, around my age and with cute freckles. He looked familiar but I couldn't place it right. When he noticed I was awake he stopped walking and looked at me.
"Good afternoon!" He smiled and his brown orbs twinkled.
My cheeks burned up and I quickly looked away. Why in Maleficents name was I blushing?!
He sat me down on my feet and I regained my balance.
"So... what we're you doing at the beach?" The boy said. I inspected him, his black/white-ish hair, his brown twinkling eyes, his freckles which were familiar. I've seen them before but where? And then his clothes... black, white and... red? But those were Cruella Da Vil's colours!
That's when I knew. This boy was Carlos Da Vil! The son of Cruella Da Vil and one of the kids who turned good after going to Auradon! So wait, I was in Auradon now?
"Where am I?" I asked just to be sure.
Woah! I thought I was always nervous! Where did that curse go?
"You're in Auradon. I'm Carlos! What's your name?"
I hesitated before answering. Should I tell him my real name or a fake one? What if he recognised me? Oh wait... he never saw me before HA!
"I'm YN." I nervously smiled.
He raised his eyebrow but then shrugged.
"What did you do on the sea? When I walked back from the woods, I saw you on the beach unconscious."
"I uhhh... I don't remember" I lied.
Hopefully I was a good lier. Because I had to lie from now on A LOT!
"You lost your memory?" He asked with worry in his voice.
Why does he care? He just met me...
"Y-Yeah... I think so. Could you tell me how you found me?" I said, remembering the ice plateau I made before I blacked out.
"Uhh Kay. Well, like I said I found you on the beach unconscious. No boat, no ship, anything at all! Just you in your soaking wet clothes. So I decided to help you" Carlos smirked at the 'soaking wet clothes' part.
"Ohh okay. Where were you going to take me before I woke up?"
"That way. My home, Auradon Prep." And Carlos pointed to the big castle. It wasn't very far away. Half a mile maybe...
I stared at the castle until Carlos yelled my name.
"YN? Are you coming or not?" He walked a few metres ahead of me.
"Y-Yeah, I'm coming!" And I ran after him to the castle.

"Carlos! There you are! I've searched for you all day! Where were you?" A girl with curly blue hair said. Evie...
"In the woods. You know Duke loves the woods!" Carlos said while petting the dog next to him. I just realised him. Wasn't Carlos always afraid of dogs? Just like his mother?
"Oh... who's this?" Evie then said surprised.
"This is YN! I found her on the beach unconscious and when I carried her back she woke up and said she lost her memory. So here we are!" He said with a big smile and wrapped his arm around me. I quickly moved it away from me.
Wow... he could talk a lot.
"Uhh oh. Well, I'm Evie! Nice to meet you YN!" And Evie stook her hand out.
Well, I never had to shake peoples hands before...
I shook her hand and smiled. I didn't know if it was a real smile or not but I hoped she would take it friendly. And what a relief, she did. But she looked weirdly at my hand tho. Probably wondering why it was so cold.
"EVIE! Where are you?!" I heard a familliar voice call.
"I'm here! With friends!" Evie yelled back.
That's when a girl popped up. Her purple hair and her green eyes reminded me of Maleficent. Wait... Mal?
I tried not to let them know I already knew them but couldn't hide a gasp.
Mal looked at me and raised her eyebrow.
"Who's this?"
"This is YN! Carlos found her on the beach." Evie said like I was some toy.
"Well, nice to meet you! I'm Mal!" I nodded and smiled a bit.
I did that a lot since I came here. I really had to stop. I maybe had to act like a goody-goody but I would NEVER become one.
"However Evie, you need to come with me. I have something for you to do!" And Mal took Evie's hand and dragged her with her.
"Bye!" Evie said while being pulled away.

"Girls..." Carlos sighed and rolled his eyes while smiling.
I raised my eyebrow at him and he quickly stopped when he saw me.
I just shook my head.
"Uhm, if it's not to much to ask... could you show me where Fairy Gothmother is?" I asked innocent.
"Why? Do you remember anything?" He asked curious.
"No, I just want to talk to her."
Did that sound suspicious? I really hoped not.
"Uhm, Kay." And Carlos started walking to the building next to the castle.

When we arrived someone just ran out and bumped into me which made me fall.
"Outch! Look where your going!" I said while rubbing my head.
"Sorry..." and that someone stook his hand out to help me.
Wait... help me?
I looked up to see Jay. The boy who always stole everything on the isle. The son of Jafar...
I waved his hand away and stood up myself.
"Hey... I'm Jay" he said while winking.
I rolled my eyes and walked past him.
"Carlos you coming?" I yelled and he quickly ran to me.

When we where out of sight from Jay, Carlos smirked.
"Nah. Nothing"
"Tell me!"
"Fine, it's just funny how you reacted to Jay. He usually gets all the girls in school."
This time I smirked.
Like I don't know that... he is good looking.
"What about you?" I blurted out without thinking.
My eyes widened when I said that and I quickly covered my mouth.
What was wrong with me?! Why did I ask that?!
Carlos looked at me and stopped also.
"Why did you ask?"
"No reason. Just forget it okay?" And I walked past him. My heart was racing (is that even possible? I thought I didn't have a heart) and my cheeks were burning.
Let's just hope I would calm down quickly.
Carlos smirked and answered anyway.
The jerk...
"What about me huh? Well, I don't know. At the moment I'm not into girls."
I raised my eyebrow and Carlos started laughing.
"I love my Dukey here" and he lifted the dog next to him.

Well that's done. What do you think? Great or Nah? Votevotevote, comment and follow!!!! And please no hate on my crappy edit above😂😂😂

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