First day, Warm Bed, Comfy Blanket

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                                                                                       Chapter 4:

                                                               First day, Warm bed,Comfy blanket

       Making my way through the Acute Syndrome Hallway. D213 right? Here it is I wonder into my room with Mcdonalds in hand. Oh how I love Mcdonalds. I creep into my room but, I am as bright as a flamingo. Pink....a pretty color but not for when you are trying to creep. I sit on my bed. It was warm and welcoming. I put my Mcdonalds on the movable stand next to me and I wriggle into my sheets. The blankets were as comfortable as a fluffy cloudy. I felt as if i was floating. I grab my Mcdonalds and change the channel. Pound Puppies, My little pony? Oh! I know let's watch The Surfs. I'm chilling in my warm bed,under my comfy sheets and everything is golden in the world of Vidia when suddenly "You can't have this," and the mean lady in blue clothes steals my Mcdonalds. I am so fustrated and I didn't even get to get my toy. I was mad but, Smurfs cheered me up. I am so confused now. Mommy was smiling in the car and now she's called out to the hallway. Dr.Fondont is with her. I can just see it. Dr.Fondont is just throwing tons and tons of information at her. Every thing there is to know about acute lymphoceytic luekemia . I don't get it. Why is life so complicated? Why can't life be as easy as everybody being well? Luekemia is difficult and I haven't even gone through chemo..oh boy. My mom comes back in the room with a blank expression on her face. As if confusion has taken the place of the sane brain my mother had. She seemed as if she was done with the whole thing.

" I'm so done with this whole thing! Why can't we just strip you of this cancer?" my mom exclaimed  

A Hospital Love : A Journey Into A Life With CancerWhere stories live. Discover now